Posted by Jim Bennett, Assistant Director, Post Sustainability Institute
I wonder when our local ICLEI adherant government will realize the REAL implications of their treasonous allegiance?
When they come to understand they’ve been played? That THEY are not immune.
When they realize they’re making moves for someone else?
When they realize they are pawns, not kings, that they are simply putting pieces into place for the globalists' big game of oppression?
When our local kingdom looks and feels more like a slum?
When you don’t want to come to a stop at lights because destitute citizens are begging-or worse?
When most are depressed serfs, shuffling around with head hanging, living in commu-condos, slaves to the state?
What will it take before our public officials realize they’ve made the worst, most consequential decision of their lives?
Yeah, it’s just a rate hike.
It’s just a regulation.
It’s just an extra tax.
It’s just a train.
It’s just an energy meter.
It’s just a policy change that will effect rural folks.
It’s just a school funding cutback.
It’s just a satellite device to monitor how far you drive.
It’s just a few less parks.
It’s just a few less services.
It’s just a vaccine shot.
It’s just a little weather modification.
It’s just a little chip.
It was just our health, our abundance, our home, our freedoms, our dreams,
the best world we could give the kids.
It’s just another incremental step.
It’s just a really pivotal time for us to make the right ‘moves’.