Rich Schiafo
[email protected]
Your viewpoint on sustainability - new urbanism - climate change and criticizing those of us who care about this planet became apparent when I learned you sell real estate for a living. Thanks to people like you the human race will ultimately destroy itself- and that can be your legacy. Please stop introducing yourself as a liberal- you are as far right as they come. Thanks for the inspiring speeches to help me work harder for SMART growth and the survival of this planet beyond humans!
You are so sadly selfish
No, I don't "sell real estate for a living", I was an expert witness in land valuation and land use for the California Department of Transportation, a District Branch Chief for the San Francisco Bay Area, for 28 years. And why would he think that the truth is 'far right?' I guess I can't be in his club unless I'm in lockstep with the New World Order's regional governance.
So, who is Rich Schiafo? Here's his Linked In info:
Rich Schiavo
Deputy Executive Director
Hudson Valley Regional Council
July 2013 – Present (2 years 3 months)Newburgh, NY
The Hudson Valley Regional Council, formed in 1977 is an organization of seven County governments: Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster and Westchester Counties. It is one of 650 such councils in the United States and one of ten locally created regional councils throughout New York State. HVRC is dedicated to studying the needs and conditions of the region and developing strategies that enhance its member counties through intergovernmental cooperation. HVRC provides a regional perspective, planning, education and outreach and advocacy for the communities we serve.
Hmmm, makes sense doesn't it? A director of a regional council, an unelected board facilitating regionalization of the United States, is writing me a personal poison pen letter. Did he get paid to do it? He's engaged in implementing UN Agenda 21 everyday.