Rosa Koire of The Post Sustainability Institute and Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21 and Michael Shaw of and (the “Plaintiffs and Appellants”) filed the Opening Brief in the Appeal in their state court case against the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG). The lawsuit seeks the negation of ABAG’s One Bay Area(OBA) $300 billion dollar plan to remake the San Francisco Bay Area. The One Bay Area/Plan Bay Area program is the prototype Agenda 21 restructure of local government to change how Americans are expected to live. For information on ABAG and the OBA Plan, see a List of Resources here.
The necessary funds were raised thanks to many participants who contributed or pledged donations. Those contributions, plus last minute funds from an anonymous major contributor have enabled this litigation to continue. Well done all!
As the battle continues, be forewarned that additional funds will be necessary, as the case will need to proceed beyond the California Appellate Court. Certainly the case will be presented to the State and/or Federal Supreme Court by the losing party, and we must be ready! For information on methods for contributing funds toward the lawsuit, clickhere. You can make a donation now, or pledge to contribute small or large amounts in the future.
As described elsewhere (see List of Resources), ABAG is an extra constitutional layer of government. It is unelected and unaccountable. It is a Council of Governments (COG), a national format designed to “transform” America. ABAG has planned to direct over $300 billion to the One Bay Area/Plan Bay Area ‘smart growth’ program. California will be lost to the world’s ‘new order’ if this lawsuit is not successful. California state's commitment to ABAG’s One Bay Area Plan will lead to:
• the restriction of individual mobility
• the control of and limitations on single family housing
• a gigantic commitment to a high concentration of stack and pack housing
If ABAG gets what it wants, Southern California will be subjected to a similar plan primarily though the COGs 'SCAG' (Southern California Association of Governments) and 'SANDAG' (San Diego Association of Governments). And as California goes, so goes the nation...
HELP STOP One Bay Area/Plan Bay Area!