Here's Debbie's comment:
Painting of Depopulation Terrible Ted Turner in the lobby of his Captain Planet, Turner Foundation, Ted Restaurant, Turner Building with his residence at the top looking at CNN Center (another Ted Turner property).
Location: 133 LUCKIE Street Atlanta. UNLUCKY if you ask me.
Below is my FB post ... but I see I missed some detail... like how his backside is burning....and the UN flag pole goes straight to his brain. Is his green jacket supposed to represent the there a monkey in his sleeve just below the sailboat in his chest? It's hard to tell. On his shoulder, is that some kind of military symbol? See how the sail boat kind of makes a tie for his chest? Why does his hand look so funny? What else is there?
Facebook post:
THIS PICTURE SAYS IT ALL and I've never seen it before!! The way the security guard treated me for taking it also says it all!! Check out the details:
+You can see the UN and Global Governance is clearly at the center of Ted's eye.
+Ted obviously views himself as some god-like figure over the world.
+Ted sees himself as presidential at the same time.
+In his face in the clouds, you can see on the right hand side the outline of North America and South America to represent earth, the globe.
+Ted obviously believes in merging the nations as the flags overlap.
+In the palm of his hand, the UN and US flagpoles rest … separated but at the top, where he seems omnipresent, the flags merge.
+Are those chem trails or vapor trails ???
+He's wearing green.
Do you see anything else?
I'm so bummed I didn't get a better shot…The security guard got HOTLANTA mad at me when I took this photo with my cell phone. This photo was in the lobby of his building. At the top of his building, where he lives, are three flags. The one on the far right is a faded United Nations flag.
He is dubbed the largest land owner in America…but he doesn't believe in private property for you and me. Global Governance is clearly at the center of Ted's eye.
ATLANTA … home of Ted Turner and his conglomerate (CNN, HLN, TBS, Turner Foundation, Captain Planet, Turner University, Turner Athletic Club, one of his many Ted's Restaurants (where he can serve meat and it's not considered global warming) and more).