Anyway, I've been looking at the proposed Trans Texas Corridor information and it's ugly. The plan is for a toll road running through Texas, owned by a Spanish company, only 5 on/off ramps through the entire STATE, and it's a quarter mile wide. Splits the state in half. Texans stood up and said Hell No and it went away for a while but it's still alive and in the planning stages at Texas Dept of Transportation. It's the North American Union roadway designed to bring goods in from a Mexican port, bypassing US ports in Long Beach and Oakland, and then shooting them up to Canada with major linkages to US interstates. It's not designed to relieve congestion in Texas--it's essentially a land based shipping lane that is controlled and owned by a foreign entity. Yep. There is a terrific video on YouTube called Truth Be Tolled that you should watch.
So that's not the worst thing.
The worst thing is that, courtesy of Vicky Davis, the world renowned researcher at, I found out about the Club of Paris. Now earlier in my life I would have stopped at the name and thought "This is stupid. Probably some conspiracy theory" and let it go. But not now. No, this is sourced in the actual documents and here it is: The Club of Paris is the creditor group of nations and the rules they play by. Sort of the Biggest Little Casino in the World, or, maybe more accurately, The Biggest Organized Crime Ring in the World. The Club of Paris sounds like a gentleman's social club and it is, in a way. It's where the G8 and up get together to decide how much credit to give smaller nations or larger nations who need it. And what they want for it. You can think of it as the "Pound of Flesh A Month Club." Our flesh. Or our natural resources. Yes. That is a way to pay off debt in this club. It's called Debt For Nature. Remember I said you can't make this stuff up. This is real.
Does that have anything to do with the fact that the US is closing off access to our National Forests through the Wildlands Project? Are we paying off debt with natural resources? With water?
With the Trans Texas Corridor?
Yes, it looks that way. The Club of Paris has another provision for debt payoff called Debt Swap. This is where the government of the creditor nation sells the debt itself to an investor who then sells that debt back to the debtor government in exchange for shares in a local company or local currency. But that doesn't make a lot of sense does it? That last part? Here's the deal in a way that we are familiar with. You want to buy a house. You need a loan. You get the loan. The lender doesn't keep the loan but sells it to an investor at a discount (this happens all the time, every day). Now you're paying your loan payments to the new guy. But he says hey, I'll sell you your own debt, in other words I'll cancel your debt, if you give me shares in ... but wait. How can you, Mr. President of a country, sell your creditor shares in a local company? Governments don't own companies, do they? Well, maybe they do...GM? Fannie Mae?
And if you had enough local currency to pay off the debt you probably would have already. So what are you going to use to buy back, or cancel, your debt? How about Bechtel getting Bolivia's water? Remember? What about China getting the Panama Canal? I wonder how that happened? I don't know, I'm just wondering about that one. But how about a big hunk of land? Oil and gas leases? Water? Timber? Toll roads?
Club of Paris. Check it out.