They won't talk about it.
Republicans and Democrats won't break the silence. They're both in favor of it. Four presidents supported it. Two Bushes, Clinton and Obama.
When we bring it up we either are called conspiracy theorists, or told that it doesn't exist.
But it does. And they know it. So it's a race now. You're in it. The race to expose it. To educate your friends, business associates, relatives, and neighbors---get the word out. People know that something is happening but they can't put a name on it, and they may not realize that it is all connected.
But you do.
So familiarize yourself with Communitarianism. It's the political philosophy behind all of this. It states that the individual's rights are a threat to the global community. Everyone is an individual, so we are all a threat to the global community. Our rights to property ownership, to personal mobility and life choices, to feed and clothe ourselves, are a danger to the global community. So we must be rationed. We must be controlled. We must be watched. We must be regulated, restricted, and balanced. Our individual rights must be balanced against those unnamed rights granted to the world community by the United Nations, as codified by Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.
Communitarianism is based on a paradigm: A problem is created. A solution is proposed. Struggle between the 'two sides' produces an outcome that is a 'third way'. This so-called Third Way would never have been agreed to except that now it is called a solution to a problem. That didn't exist. And now the 'solution' is the new 'normal.'
Corporatocracy. Government by corporation. Public/private partnerships. Tax credits to corporations. Non-profits that are also corporations but have a green face. Doesn't matter what political party they profess to support, they take turns funding both sides.
It's UN Agenda 21. Administered in your town by directives, funding, and training by ICLEI and its many partners.
Kick ICLEI out of Fort Collins. Kick ICLEI out of Sonoma County. Kick ICLEI out of Savannah, Sitka, Phoenix, Spartanburg, Sioux Falls, Peoria, Chicago, North Miami, Dayton, Austin, Richmond, Salt Lake City, Middletown, Cortland. Get up, go out, and tell your neighbors.