Why doesn't ICLEI want you to know how many cities are members? You'd have to ask them, but we're guessing that they'd rather have you in the dark. ICLEI has over 7,800 member cities worldwide. About 1,300 of them are in the US. That's roughly twice the number that they report on their ICLEI-USA website. As recently as 2009 ICLEI was reporting that they had 1,200 members worldwide. Now it's 7,800+.
Yes, maybe they want you to think that we have them on the run, that cities are getting out. But the truth is that cities are dropping their membership AFTER they've gotten all of the software, sample ordinances, and monitoring from ICLEI. Then they just keep on implementing ICLEI systems. It's a smokescreen.
You have to demand that your city purge its General Plan of Climate Action Plans, smart codes (form based zoning), greenhouse gas monitoring, land use restrictions, and go back over all of the hundreds of new ordinances that came out of this box of laws ICLEI distributes. ICLEI is actually a parallel government. It is an implementation, monitoring, and funding arm for UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development worldwide.
No, it's not easy. Start today by educating your local officials. It's election season. Demand that those who are running for local office state their position on UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development and ICLEI membership. Show them Alabama's new law (SB 477). Make it clear that this is a non-partisan issue. Use your ability to work with other groups to form coalitions around purging your local laws and General Plans.
Do it now. KICK ICLEI OUT of Dover, Bellingham, Marin, Sonoma, Tulsa, Maplewood, Rockville, Irvine, Jackson, Falls Church, Rye, New Orleans, Belmont, Devens, Miami, Branford, Loveland, Napa, Brattleboro, Seattle, Knoxville, Brighton, Santa Clara, Moscow, Ventura. Expel ICLEI from Italy, Canada, Australia, Germany, Austria, Sweden, France, Spain, Portugal, England, Ireland, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Urkraine, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Cuba, Ghana. Purge ICLEI from Mexico, Israel, Egypt, Indonesia, China, and all of the other countries it has infested like a virus.