UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is a global plan that is implemented locally. That is its strength and its weakness. Because we are here. Locally.
You can identify the non-profits who are partnering with your government to control, manipulate, and restrict you in the name of 'green.' If you are paying dues to those groups, if you are a member, if you work there, if you are participating, you can withdraw your support and speak out.
These consultants who are being paid by your planning department to design the rules you live by must be de-funded. Now. The non-profits which are funding candidates must be identified locally and exposed.
Property rights groups are springing up all over the nation. People are identifying collaborators with the UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development plan. Students are recognizing that they are being manipulated by the Delphi technique. Teachers are speaking out and refusing to teach sustainable development 'new-speak' instead of math. Parents are going into classrooms and listening to the lessons; they are reading the textbooks. Doctors are refusing to prescribe mind-altering drugs with suicide and violent side-effects for children. All of us are refusing to be Delphi'd, and will not allow facilitators to shame us or call us 'conspiracy nuts.' Laugh at them, call them out, and expose their plans. It's easy once you do a bit of research. Who is funding that regional plan? Which consultants are working on it? Why is it identical to the plan all the way across the country or the world? How does it tie in with Mega Regions? Find out. Speak out. Hand out your flyers.
Don't let yourself be overwhelmed. We are all working together. This is a vital struggle and it is expanding daily. Arm yourself with facts. Let's make sure that every day we speak about it to someone new. At the grocery store or the coffee shop, at your office or at school.
This is not a conspiracy theory. The plan is crazy, we are not. Have courage and know that we will win.