Assault on Consciousness
Vicky Davis
You can tell from my website, that I've been studying what's going on in our country for quite a long time. In age, I'm closer to the grave than the cradle and I can say with absolute certainty that there is nothing normal going on. The government has gone rogue. There is an insurgency. A police state is rolling out. Government has merged with corporations for the collection and dissemination of information that will serve the purpose of managing the economy, the people and the places where we live and work. These information systems are the implementation of collectivism and they will enable fascist management of every aspect of your life. Rather than talking about communism (commonism), people are talking about "different forms of capitalism". Red China is already under a system of "state capitalism" and the United States is headed in that direction. The information management systems are key components in the move to "state capitalism" (state managed capitalism) but even that is not quite accurate because the majority of information systems are networked globally and they are global systems for global governance. So that's where we are.
Understanding what they are doing is only half the battle. One must understand how they are doing it so that you don't fight the shadow puppet and instead, focus on the person making the shadows.
The Compelling Reason
Put yourself in the place of a Collectivist (Communist) leader. Your job is to implement a collectivist system that will manage the activities of both the public and private sector - nationally. This implementation will curtail the freedom of people in the private sector. Even if you get buy-in from the public sector officials, there must be buy-in from the private sector and the reverse is also true. Obviously, you'd prefer that they not understand what is being done until the system is fully implemented. You have the assignment, but you don't have command authority over either the various jurisdictions of the public sector or the private sector. Tradition must be thrown out completely. Laws and culture must be changed and that only can be accomplished when there is a compelling reason to do so.
Note: Just so that you know that what I'm saying is real, the following are a few examples of national communist management systems: Food Safety System - Field-to-Table tracking (government management of agriculture); Health Insurance Exchanges mandated by the health care "reform" passed early in Obama's Administration (nationalization of health insurance behind the facade of private enterprise); the National health information (electronic medical records) system (nationalization of medical records); the smart grid for collective management of electricity use (effective nationalization behind the facade of private enterprise - the availability of electricity can be used as a logistical weapon against people and business). There is a long list systems of management that cross the line between the public and private sectors that enable collective management.
The compelling reason is the cold bucket of water in the face. It's the overwhelming evidence that something needs to change. The compelling reason for change can occur naturally, but in the situation that is occurring in our country, there is no time for the natural occurrence. Compelling reasons are being created. Columbine, Sandy Hook, NYC on 9-11, Oklahoma City, Virginia Tech all provided compelling reasons for change. The change proposed doesn't necessarily have to logically follow the problem scenario because the mainstream media is used as a tool to evoke an emotional response to an already mesmerized public. A friend suggested to me this strategy is trauma-based mind control (TBMC). I resisted that definition because my impression was that TBMC was a one-on-one or several on-one strategy but after giving it some thought, I accept the explanation because the interaction of a television viewer and the images and sound presented on it are one-to-one and many-to-one via the screen. The television coverage of September 11, 2001 was without question TBMC. The images of plane flying into the towers and the towers collapsing played and replayed for several days did in fact induce "shock and awe". The public focus on the emotional response is an assault on consciousness. Emotion interferes with rational thought - and that is the objective - to inhibit rational thought.