But before I show you the letter I'd like to comment on the obvious betrayal we're experiencing from our elected representatives and their health officers. These people work for us; let's not forget that. They do forget that and we may still have an opportunity to throw them out in November, but possibly we won't be able to have a 'fair' election ever again. Has it progressed that far? The terrible thing about a revolution is that you lose your ability to use peaceful means to object to it. Power is used against you and you have no outlet other than power. Civilized people use the courts and the ballot to make change. Do we still have that opportunity?
I've said before that this revolution will not be tanks rolling down your streets, and it isn't is it? The hard thing now is to convince people that they're in a coup d'etat, a war, to take their rights and liberty and destroy their ability to be self-determining. Yes, this is what a revolution looks like. I believe that we still have a chance, and that requires showing up, speaking up, speaking out, and refusing to cooperate while you still can. So at a certain point you've reached everyone who can hear you, those who are inclined to hear and agree. I don't think we're there yet but we're getting there; mainly because things are getting so bad and more people are becoming aware. But the big deal is to reach those who can't normally hear you. The people who are involved in making #UNAgenda 21 happen. The millions of people in government, teachers, corporate beneficiaries, non-profit drones, consultants---the ones who make money and careers out of #Agenda21. Now here's the letter:
I just discovered your work. I was one of the earlier ones to learn about sustainable development in university (I am almost 50). I majored in Geography and Environmental Studies and completed a Master of Urban Planning. So, I am well aware of Smart Growth, New Urbanism, mixed-use, urban density. I now have a government job. I am seeing Agenda21 everywhere now after reading/listening to your work. Learning what I have recently learned is like discovering a marriage partner has been cheating on me - it has literally been painful to learn that the end game of these concepts is control, surveillance and a "bigger plan" for humanity - one, if "they" get their way, we have no say in and they will homogenize the world. Thank you for putting this out there.
Ok, he didn't say he's quitting his job, but he gets it. Every day he goes to work he suffers, and he'll talk about it. This is something. Everyone starts somewhere. The crack widens and the light pours in. Share that light. Be the Resistance.