When I saw that the 'Occupy Santa Rosa' meeting this coming Saturday was organized by Lisa Maldonado I knew there was a serious problem. She heads up the North Bay Labor Council of the AFL-CIO. Did you know that the AFL-CIO supports Smart Growth and condemned sprawl (aka Suburbs and Rural Areas) at their annual 2001 Convention because most rural and suburban areas don't support unions as much as the big cities do? She refers to herself on her Twitter account as:
Lisa Maldonado
@LaMujerObrera en la lucha. just your average labor boss, working for the revolution, all about the class struggle and waiting for the great leap forward.
Just in case you think that this is a charming bit of humor I'll remind you that she is a vicious attacker of anyone who disagrees with her (often referring to the person as a 'hater' so that she can justify her abuse), and is dead serious. 'En la lucha' means 'in the fight' in Spanish. 'Working for the Revolution, all about the Class Struggle, and Waiting for the Great Leap Forward' all reference Communist regimes; specifically Russian and Chinese.
Lisa Maldonado is a Progressive Democrat. You might think you know what that means. You might even call yourself a progressive Democrat too. But what it means to you and what it means to the Progessive Democrats of America and the Congressional Progessive Caucus are two different things. They are socialists. You might think that socialism sounds cool. Especially if you don't own anything and don't have a job. The collapse of the economy feeds the socialist movement. Promises of jobs, housing, education, health care, and green draw you in. If Lisa Maldonado is any indication of the behavior of other socialists, the first thing to go is your right to free speech. The Congressional Progressive Caucus is the largest caucus in the Democratic party, with over 80 members. It was formed by the Democratic Socialists of America.
Here's a statement from their website (http://www.dsausa.org/pdf/widemsoc.pdf)
Aren't you a party that's in competition with the
Democratic Party for votes and support?
No, we are not a separate party. Like our friends and allies in the feminist, labor, civil rights, religious, and community organizing movements, many of us have been active in the Democratic Party. We work with those movements to strengthen the party’s left wing, represented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus.
The process and structure of American elections seriously hurts third party efforts. Winner-take-all elections instead of proportional representation, rigorous party qualification requirements that vary from state to state, a presidential instead of a parliamentary system, and the two-party monopoly on political power have doomed third party efforts. We hope that at some point in the future, in coalition with our allies, an alternative national party will be viable. For now, we will continue to support progressives who have a real chance at winning elections, which usually means left-wing Democrats.
ARE YOU A DEMOCRAT? DID YOU KNOW THIS? I just found this out about a year ago. The Democratic Socialist Party does not support private property ownership. PRIVATE PROPERTY UNDER OUR CONSTITUTION ALSO REFERS TO OUR BODIES.