Both Republicans and Democrats in Congress knew that this would be the outcome of their standoff. Was it the goal?
Is this shutdown a practice run for something more permanent? Is it training for federal law enforcement?
The federal government had to order the K-rail in advance. Had to have contracts in place for installation. Had to order signs printed in advance. This showdown was expected and planned for. Is this a practice run for a wider plan?
UN Agenda 21 is in effect now throughout our country. Our cities, counties, states, and federal government are implementing regional plans that are creating a new layer of governance not responsible or responsive to us. We are slowly being collapsed into this 'no mans land' of no return. Any crisis can be used to push us further into compliance. Larger units of governance--regional units--are a stepping stone to global governance and are 'sold' to us as being 'more efficient.'
What is the most efficient form of government? Dictatorship. A single 'decider.' Whether a neo-con or a progressive acts in the theater of globalization is ultimately irrelevant. What is relevant is the behavior of the audience when the play pretends to be real.
We will not be fooled.