If you check to see what ICLEI's saying about their involvement in the 20th anniversary of the Rio de Jaineiro Earth Summit (1992) where Agenda 21 was launched, they make their connection to the UN quite clear. There are still cities who will deny that there is any connection to the United Nations and that they have no idea what UN Agenda 21 is. For those clueless or deceitful government officials who can't name the source of Sustainable Development, or define it, send them to ICLEI's own Rio+20 website:
How is ICLEI involved?
The year 2012 marks the 20th anniversary of the Earth
Summit, the birthplace of the Local Agenda 21 movement. Initiated by ICLEI, it has inspired thousands of local governments and communities worldwide to put in place local strategies and actions for sustainable development.
Now it’s time to take stock of the lessons learnt at the local level and propose new ways forward for local governments in their quest for green, livable cities. Debate is also needed on the governance framework to be implemented on the national and international levels, in order for local governments to successfully contribute to global sustainability.
To achieve the goals outlined above, ICLEI is
strongly involved in the Rio+20 preparatory processes:
- acting as Local
Authority Major Group co-organizing partner, - leading the Local Sustainability 2012 global study,
- bringing the local leaders together before and at the conference with the World Congress 2012 and Rio+20 Global Town
For more information on Rio+20 and local governments,
consult the ICLEI Rio+20 Briefing Sheet, available
in the Publications