I am so PISSED tonight…we went to another regional planning meeting and since they now are worried about us they had sheriffs there and would only let county residents speak even though their plan covers 13 counties…UGH
They stacked the meeting tonight with officials from H-GAC, Political Figures and Facilitators…it was a complete sham…UGH
Yes, more and more often you will see police and sheriffs in the room when you go to speak. Are they so afraid that this largely middle aged, middle class group of citizens will get crazy, or are they there to intimidate us and let us know that we shouldn't dare to speak out? At the meeting in San Carlos, CA that some of us attended recently (a KICK ICLEI OUT meeting) there was a K-9 officer. Yes, he had a dog in the car---just in case. Still having trouble convincing your friends and neighbors that there's a problem? Tell them that your town council and other government agencies are bringing in armed men to keep you in line in case you SPEAK UP.
IS THIS THE WAR ON TERROR OR THE TERRORIZING WAR? THE WAR ON TERROR IS A WAR ON YOU. The National Defense Authorization Act has identified most of us as the enemy. Use your liberty while you have it.