GREEN NEW DEAL---the shorthand version
Climate Change terror used as a catalyst. Artificial restriction, scarcity.
Covid-19 terror used to justify surveillance and control of the human body.
“Global Crisis requires a Global Response which justifies Global Governance”
What does this look like in your city or county or state or nation?
Existing housing and commercial: DEMOLITION
Energy efficiency—100% is impossible for existing structures
Must be mixed use but cannot retrofit to this use
Must be all electric but cannot afford to retrofit to eliminate gas heat, water heaters, appliances
Internet of Things requires electric Smart Metering with tracking, monitoring, ability to restrict usage and identify usage patterns
Mixed use buildings supposed to be right at the edge of the sidewalk, can’t change this on existing structures
Must be multi-story but can’t retrofit to this design
Complete Streets—road diets, infrastructure upgrades push out existing buildings
Water use limitations make property a burden, Smart Growth rentals attractive
Limited parking for residential and commercial
Mixed income development brings immediate social issues
Small/Local Business limited or eliminated—DEINDUSTRIALIZATION:
Cannot afford to retool to all electric,
Existing grid not sufficient,
GHG capture expensive,
Regulations in water usage and disposal
Buildings are not energy efficient enough—rehab prohibitive
Transportation costs to switch to rail or electric are impossible or prohibitive
Small / medium business can’t compete with megacorps in retooling
Transportation restrictions: ELIMINATION/RESTRICTION
No fossil fuels means electric only
Bigger draw on the electric grid requires upgrades, micro-grids
Air travel, gas powered vehicles, diesel freight to be eliminated
Light rail and high speed rail are extremely costly and are designed to sink the economy
Private vehicle ownership is selfish and must be punished
vehicle miles traveled taxes
time of use parking fees
increased fees for at-home parking because of limited spaces
unbundled purchase prices for parking spaces
Shared vehicles (Uber/Lyft etc) condition us to not having privacy—all of your travel is tracked and retained in a data base
Public transit expensive for municipality
increased policing
huge construction/maintenance cost for rail costly to run routes, therefore housing must be constructed along routes only
parcel taxes in perpetuity
sales taxes in perpetuity
Public transit for users
dirty, uncomfortable, dangerous, transfers, costly
Data and Analysis as a factor of the Green New Deal: SURVEILLANCE
Need for continuous input of data
Necessary to collect and aggregate data
Total information justified by the desire to ‘improve system’
Personal privacy viewed as hostile to the greater good when refusing to share necessary data
GOAL OF GREEN NEW DEAL? De-industrialization, islands of human habitation (Smart Growth, food sheds), limited access to energy and water, restricted movement, loss of personal and national sovereignty through impeded resource use and international monitoring with fees, fines, and penalties. Ultimately, coupled with restrictions on rural water and land use, results in economic collapse, food scarcity, mega-corporate dependency, and continuous surveillance.