You'll be interested to read through this regardless of which country you're in, because you'll find it to reflect policy and behavior in your town. In fact you'll find that your life is now under complete scrutiny and you are being judged, measured, managed, manipulated, and surveilled in accordance with Agenda 21. The Plan is designed for that purpose: FULL GLOBALIZATION REQUIRES STANDARDIZATION OF ALL SYSTEMS WORLDWIDE. ALL ACTIVITY IS MONITORED IN ORDER TO MANAGE SYSTEMS, MAKE THEM FULLY COMPATIBLE, AND INTEGRATE ALL ASPECTS OF HUMAN LIFE. THE GOAL IS NO BORDERS, NO RESISTANCE, AND NO LIMITS ON CORPORATE POWER.
Here's a quote from the Australian report:
Local Agenda 21 is being promoted by a range of organisations nationally and internationally.
In Australia, the Commonwealth Government, through its ongoing promotion of ESD (Ecologically Sustainable Development), and some state governments have provided support in terms of resources and funding. Environs Australia, the Local Government Environment Network,has been actively promoting Local Agenda 21 since 1993.
Globally, the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), an international body representing local governments from around the world, and original drafters of the Local Agenda 21 chapter, is actively coordinating the international Local Agenda 21 campaign.
Independent networks have also played a large part in promoting Local Agenda 21.
For example, in Western Australia much Local Agenda 21 activity has occurred as a result of considerable effort from academics, local government officers and councillors. A Local Agenda 21 Advisory Group has been established to allow members to share their resources and to support local government planning for sustainable development.
In South Australia, a partnership for Local Agenda 21 exists as a collaborative effort between the State Government, the Local Government Association, and now 30 councils in South Australia that have made a commitment to undertake Local Agenda 21 programs. The aim of this partnership is to encourage all councils to be involved and for this Local Agenda 21 activity to help shape and inform state level policy and planning processes.
In New South Wales, the Local Government Act 1993 requires councils to have regard to ESD principles in carrying out all of their responsibilities. This requirement has acted as a catalyst for Local Agenda 21 work in that state especially as it has been tied with local state of the environment requirements and a focus on community participation.