Here are a couple of letters from Australia. Remember: You're not alone. You are part of a worldwide grassroots movement to expose and fight UN Agenda 21. Take action. Look at our WHAT CAN I DO page. Then DO IT!
Hi, just a bit of feedback from Australia. A friend of mine owns a bit of rural property near Wollongong in (Wingecarribee Shire), which has a remnant of temperate rainforest on it, that he happily preserved. Some years ago legislation was passed in NSW outlawing land clearing (making fire protection difficult) (in line with Australias commitment to Agenda 21, of course then as now no politician or public servant ever admits to knowing about Agenda 21), and local councils also passed regulations, making it clear that landholders would lose all control over the vegetation on their properties even down to single saplings, and that control would now vest in local councils ans state government bureaucrats. Landholders who read the prospective legislation and understood the ramifications undertook a massive amount of unnecessary clearance of native vegetation prior to its implementation. This was disastrous for conservation and wildlife, but ultimately in the best interests of the landholders. Had the legislation not been about taking control of the resource,(that's what Agenda 21 does) but about rewarding property holders for preserving habitat, it would never have happened, (i myself am not in favor of further habitat destruction but blanket bans are a very blunt instrument). My friend however kept his rainforest remnant ( he wishes he HAD bulldozed it now) and it was subsequently classified, his council rates then doubled to $4000.00 a year !!!!!!!, so he is being financially penalized for saving that forest. When he rang the council to complain he was told that they could waive the additional charges if he transferred ownership of the forest to an approved environment group, (of course there would still be fees and charges he would have to pay to achieve subdivision) so it was clear he was being blackmailed in order to obtain his land for free, instead of having it resumed by the council who would have to pay him its true worth. The council now regularly inspects his property and has told him he is under regular surveillance, showed him aerial photos of his property, indicating they had counted all his trees and would know if he cut any down or breached any other regulations. I learnt about Agenda 21 only last year, when i did, metaphorical bells began to ring about so many things that have happened here since the early 1990s, i urged my friend to contact his council about this and they did reluctantly confirm that indeed the extra money was for the additional admin of the U.N scheme they had signed up to (they are probably paying fees to ICLEI too). It also explains why Sydney, a city with rock solid water security in the 1960,s has faced water shortages for years now, and both major parties cancelled planned dam projects for Newcastle/Sydney and Wollongong/Sydney when in power and sold off the land so they would never proceed. This is disastrous public policy but totally in line with the precepts of Agenda 21. What we dont understand is by what means are our politicians being controlled, to enable these outcomes, as they are blatantly not in the electorates best interest and are widely seen as such. Instead of state governments building infrastructure as they used to we have had P.P.Ps for a long time now, which dont make economic sense as governments borrow at cheaper rates than private companies, and all profits go to the state government if they control the project. Pete
I am Western Australian country girl from rural property east of Perth WA ..I am 50 years old and have lived a life of personal freedom. It saddens my heart to see what the world is coming to..As I drive down the streets and nearby train stations to see small houses all exactly the same being built on top of each other with minimal yard space and all roofs and eaves touching one another. it's sick when there is so much land available but the control , power and greed is creating mass production and reduction of homesite land less than 300m2. 5G is just plain WRONG inflation of exorbitant costs of living however STAGNANT wages right across the board. Police gaining unethical powers to point of humiliation..and NOT showing reasonable care or justice for the people's personal rights causing insurmountable manipulation and exploitation. The exaggerated extent of our bushfires in the world and Australia has never before encountered such devastation to such large scale and it is certainly and clearly provoked by Government or discreet bodies of power ? HOW CAN I HELP....? HOW CAN I BE INVOLVED....?
OK, go look in the mirror and say: 'This is my fight. I am taking this on. I can do it. I'm shoulder to shoulder with millions of people across the world, from France to Hong Kong to the UK to the US, who recognize UN Agenda 21 when we see it and make a commitment to expose and fight it. YOU CAN DO IT. TAKE THAT FIRST STEP. DO SOMETHING---15 MINUTES A DAY. PRINT OUT FLYERS. SPEAK TO OTHERS. GO TO YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT MEETINGS. SHOW VIDEOS IN YOUR HOME. SHARE THE INFO. BE BRAVE.