The truth about Smart Meters--Canadian presentation lays it out brilliantly. REFUSE SMART METERS. DO IT. Sent to us recently:
Farming and Food Tyranny In The Land Of 'No' Posted on April 26, 2012 by Michael Patrick McCarty Farmers in Southern New Jersey Can Find Their Farming Options To Be Severely Limited Because of Wetlands Designation Under The Pinelands Protection Act. My younger brother owns a thirty acre blueberry farm in southern New Jersey, and recently, we have discussed the possibilities of combining forces. He, with his blueberries, and my wife and I with our expertise in poultry, egg, and squab production, together with the addition of any other farm crops that would surely find a ready market in the local area. It is the “garden state”, after all, and if you have never had the pleasure of the legendary “Jersey Tomato”, then you have missed one of the world’s great culinary treats. It sounded like a grand idea, at least on the hypothetical and hopeful face of it. However, just under the surface of it all lurked the state of New Jersey’s well deserved reputation for over regulation, government over reach, bureaucratic red tape, and corruption. READ MORE CHILDREN ARE BEING INDOCTRINATED ALL OVER AMERICA TO THINK OF THEMSELVES AS GLOBAL CITIZENS---NOT AS AMERICANS. The following is from the United Nations Association-USA website (click here to read more) "Global Classrooms International Middle School Model UN Conference The 8th Annual Global Classrooms® International Middle School Model UN Conference, sponsored by the United Nations Association of the United States of America's Global Classrooms program will be held on April 11-13, 2013. The conference features opening ceremonies at UN headquarters and committee sessions held at the Grand Hyatt hotel in midtown Manhattan. As the only international Model UN conference designed specifically for students in grades 5-8, this year's conference will host over 1,500 participants from 14 U.S. states and nine countries. Committees and topics include Gender and Science, Biological Diversity, and the Question of Palestine. The GC International Middle School Model UN conference provides an authentic simulation of the UN in a highly professional setting and the chance for delegates to debate with hundreds of students from across the country and around the globe." UNA-USA has partnered with students who represent over 170 colleges and universities worldwide, including: American University Boston University City College of New York College of William and Mary Columbia University Dartmouth College Duke University Facultad Libre de Derecho de Monterrey George Washington University Georgetown University Hamline University Harvard University Howard University Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México Komazawa University (Tokyo) Kyung Hee University (Seoul) Lebanese American University (Beirut) Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University Michigan State University New York University Peking University Princeton University Rice UniversityRutgers University St. Louis University (Madrid) Stanford University Tecnológico de Monterrey Universidad Anahuac (Mexico) Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon Universidad de Monterrey Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexíco Universite de Montreal Law School University of Bonn University of British Columbia University of California, Berkeley University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of Chicago University of Michigan University of Miami University of South Florida University of Southern California University of St. Andrews University of Texas at Austin University of Washington Yale University Every once in a while someone will comment on YouTube that I may be 'controlled opposition.' I want to address this directly.
What is controlled opposition? When someone names the problem and then proposes UN Agenda 21 as the solution--that is controlled opposition. Example? THRIVE. That popular film describes what is happening now, validates every 'conspiracy theory', and makes you feel confident that the film is on the right track. If you notice, it never mentions UN Agenda 21 once in the entire film. Take a look at the last 1/4 of THRIVE. It proposes collective living, consensus governance, no borders, rethinking progress--it proposes UN Agenda 21 as the solution to the problem. Yes, this is all integral to the successful continued implementation of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. The film, in my opinion, was made because we are breaking through to the mainstream. It was made as a diversion. That is controlled opposition. What's another example of controlled opposition? Someone who cautions you not to name UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development as the source of your local comprehensive plans, and of regional government plans. This is a person who tells you that if you name it, you'll be considered crazy and not taken seriously. This is intended to redirect you and others away from the fact that UN Agenda 21 is a global totalitarian plan implemented locally. This controlled opposition technique keeps you in the weeds stumbling along instead of sailing strong against the current. Now, I believe that those who are wrongly labeling me as controlled opposition fall into two camps. They are either ignorant or they are themselves controlled opposition. I am speaking out in a message that is clear, strong, fact-based, and unchanging. I advocate for courage and resistance in the face of those who would attempt to shame, libel, embarrass, or hide the truth. STAND UP. SPEAK OUT. BE THE RESISTANCE. Rosa being interviewed by Reuters International journalist Nick Carey. He published a biased article on UN Agenda 21 suggesting that it's only opposed by right wing un-hinged Tea Party fanatics. He deliberately did not report on this interview so that he could publish a smear. This is a classic media attack that appeared in many newspapers and news organs. This one is in the Huffington Post: Read the article and then broadcast this to show the truth. From President George HW Bush's news conference in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil June 13, 1992:
"We've signed a climate convention. We've asked others to join us in presenting action plans for the implementation of the climate convention. We've won agreement on forest principles. We found a warm reception among the G - 7 and many developing countries to our Forests for the Future initiative. Many U.S. proposals on oceans and public participation on the importance of economic instruments and free markets were included in this mammoth Agenda 21 document and the Rio Declaration. "Let me be clear on one fundamental point. The United States fully intends to be the world's preeminent leader in protecting the global environment. We have been that for many years. We will remain so. We believe that environment and development, the two subjects of this Conference, can and should go hand in hand. A growing economy creates the resources necessary for environmental protection, and environmental protection makes growth sustainable over the long term. I think that recognition of that fact by leaders from around the world is the central accomplishment of this important Rio Conference." READ MORE A few nights ago Fox News aired a piece called "Behind Obama's Green Agenda." People sent it to me asking if Fox had deliberately called it that to bring attention to my book. Nice idea, but I don't think so.
Why not? Because Fox went out of their way NOT to name Agenda 21. They referred to the 1987 UN World Commission on Environment and Development source for the term 'Sustainable Development', and they showed the three interlocking circles of Environment, Economy, and Social Equity, but that's as far as they would go. Why? Why wouldn't Fox News name UN Agenda 21? What are they afraid of? Are they afraid they'll be called names or not be taken seriously? What a joke. Fox is already called names and not taken seriously by plenty of people. Why wouldn't they name the source of what they're talking about? UN Agenda 21 is a formal agreement signed by President Bush in 1992. The Convention on Biodiversity was ratified by the House and rejected by the Senate. Is this something that we made up? No. So why the coy, sneaky failure to name it? UN AGENDA 21 IS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. Everywhere I speak I am asked if Romney supports Agenda 21 too.
The answer is YES. Globalization is the standardization of systems. The erection of a totalitarian fascist state. A corporatocracy. Romney and Obama are part of that---are the face of it. Now it looks like Obama is throwing the election to Romney. Why would he do that? Think back to the years of Bush II. We were worn out with war and fake victory. Battered by 9/11 and the USA PATRIOT Act. Frustrated by hanging chads and angered by Enron. Then came Obama. For many this was a chance at recovery. For many on the left it was "HOPE and CHANGE." For the country it was a chance to show that racism was over. It was a manipulation. A smokescreen designed to forward UN Agenda 21 with a green mask. What have we seen with Obama? A mystery package in healthcare, thousands of pages of rules and regulations to be fully opened in 2014. A tax on 'Cadillac healthcare plans' which is a punishment for those who have quality care. Fast and Furious--gunwalking. Selling weapons to drug warlords in Mexico in a sort of B Team cartoon that cost many their lives and increased major border crime. US Attorney General Eric Holder lying to Congress. Renewable energy fiasco Solyndra stealing a half billion dollars in a criminal scheme with the Obama administration. Other energy companies guilty as well. Wind energy racketeering. Money grabs. Tax blinds. How about the latest with Libya? Lying about a movie and inflaming the Arab world with this lie, when the attack was motivated by the anniversary of 9/11 AND WAS ANTICIPATED. Inadequate security made it possible. I could go on. Obama threw the last debate. He hung his head. He held his fire. He dropped to the mat. He warned his supporters ahead of time that he was a poor debater and that Romney would win. Why? Would you fold up your tents and go home if Romney wins? Are you ready to jump up and down in victory if Romney wins? Will you go back to sleep if Romney wins? That's what they're hoping. That you, the Resistance, will be fooled by a suit and a haircut, and a change of teams, and that you'll go quietly back to the couch. YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE. DON'T BE FOOLED. AGAIN. I gave a speech in Los Angeles a couple of days ago and it went well. Before I spoke the crowd said the pledge of allegiance. I was at the front of the crowd and said the pledge too. Right after 'liberty and justice for all' the master of ceremonies began to sing God Bless America. We all remained standing and I noticed that many people still had their hands over their hearts. I didn't. I thought about doing it, but I had never done it before and I thought it would be a bit like doing it just because everyone else I didn't. Well, someone noticed and sent around an email saying that I wasn't patriotic.
Gee. I guess I didn't know that there was a rule that you have to have your hand over your heart if someone sings God Bless America. This is what Communitarianism looks like. Community policing. Making rules for community members and enforcing them with peer pressure, gossip, shame, and reprimands. Later, when the community is more dominant, the enforcement becomes law, and violations are punished more severely. Like smoking in your apartment--now you can be evicted or fined. What will happen in the future? Communitarianism is enforcing the rights of the community to the detriment of the individual. I don't think that anyone would seriously question my patriotism. My work is clearly dedicated to my country. But look at how easy it is to become a communitarian---as long as it's YOUR community rule that gets enforced. I'll be giving a speech tomorrow at the Wake UP America rally in West Los Angeles on why people should vote NO on Proposition 31. I thought I'd share my speech with you.
I’m here to urge you to vote NO on Prop 31 and to tell you why. Because we’re nearing Halloween I thought you’d appreciate this analogy. Prop 31 is like the razor-blade in the candy apple. You aren’t expecting to find something dangerous wrapped in a nice package, and your inattention can hurt you badly. Prop 31 is a Trojan horse proposition. Called the Government Performance and Accountability Act, this new law will amend the California Constitution. The ‘candy apple’ part, the Trojan Horse, is that it restricts the Legislature’s authority to enact any law that increases state costs or decreases state revenues by more than $25 million dollars a year. That seems like a good thing. But there’s more to this law. It also expands the Governor’s authority to implement reductions to appropriations in the State budget. You might like that too. Or the shift to a 2 year budget. Sounds good. But now we’re getting to the razor blade. This new law, this amendment to the California Constitution, will shift state funds to local governments for the purpose of implementing new ‘Community Strategic Action Plans.’ What does that mean? For the purposes of quote ‘a prosperous economy, quality environment, and community equity’ unquote state revenue will be shared in supra-governmental, unelected regional entities. Those who are paying attention will recognize the 3 E’s of United Nations Agenda 21/Sustainable Development in this deceptive proposition. Economy, Environment, Equity. This is not just some happy coincidence. This is the legal and funding mechanism for a regional layer of government. You don’t vote for regional representation, as you know. You vote in city, county, state, and federal elections. Agenda 21 is a global plan implemented locally and you see it as regional plans. Far from being a black helicopter paranoiac fantasy UN Agenda 21 is real and Prop 31 is what it looks like. It is a plan to take state money and allow local entities-- counties and cities--to determine how that money gets allocated as long as it goes for Smart Growth, the preferred development style of UN Agenda 21. The Agenda for the 21st century was signed onto by George HW Bush in 1992. President Clinton created the President’s Council on Sustainable Development for the sole purpose of implementing Agenda 21 in the US. All federal agencies changed their policies to conform to Sustainable Development principles, and it then moved into the states and local municipalities via General Plans and regional boards. This is not a conspiracy theory, it is a conspiracy fact. Regionalization is the stepping stone to global governance by creating a parallel government and then funding it. These regions already exist and are administered now by Metropolitan Planning Organizations and Councils of Government like the Southern California Association of Governments. New urbanism is the goal and you’ll see this as these new Community Strategic Action Plans dictate that your tax dollars go for shifting funds to high density cities. That’s what they mean by ‘a prosperous economy, quality environment, and community equity’. It’s code for redistributing money to cities that agree to the blurring or erasure of jurisdictional boundaries. The Democrats and Unions are against Prop 31 because they fear a loss of funding. Seeing that in the voter guide might make you Conservatives vote yes. Here’s your chance to agree with Democrats for once! Finally, something you and your relatives can agree on! When you see Prop 31 on the ballot remember that ‘razor blade’ in the apple and vote NO. |
And the winner is...What is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development? Archives
January 2021
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