GET OUR LATEST FLYER NOW. PRINT IT. WALK IT AROUND. POST IT. DO IT. BE THE RESISTANCE. CLICK AND PRINT PDF Extreme protest actions like those taken by Extinction Rebellion (gluing themselves to doors, etc) will prompt government to take radical action against them, and others who protest. I believe that these protests are staged in order to produce radical police response. Why? Because the time will come, and soon, when you are out in the streets yourself and the government wants to be ready with the laws, personnel, and rhetoric in place to remove you. In fact, chilling your rights with the warning of what will happen to you if you do protest is most effective.
Extreme protests are designed to garner maximum attention, court time, political outcry, and public outrage. The protesters themselves are expendable useful idiots who serve to move government to more draconian action. Take a look at this current article in the Progressive, a magazine that calls itself "a voice for peace, social justice, and the common good." The article details how government is charging protesters with ever more serious crimes including terrorism. With the rise of anti-fa, the fighting force of the so-called left, we are experiencing the militarization of the streets. We don't know who is behind those black masks. What we do know is that it is increasingly more dangerous for the average person to step off the curb. As we become more and more agitated by restrictions on what we can say and do publicly our mental health will suffer. We are already stressed and distressed by the coup attempts by Congress, the potential for war and the continuing war efforts, by fire disasters and energy restrictions, and by the incessant panic of climate change doom. As I have noted UN Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development is an inventory and control plan that requires total information in order to succeed. Your health records, and specifically your mental health records, are of maximum interest. These records are permanent. Your instability is noted and tracked. Children who are used in this abusive terror climate will have their mental health records follow them for the rest of their lives. In the end the question is "Who can be normal in times of extreme stress?" The answer is "no one." Will we see involuntary incarceration for mental breakdowns? More shooters? This is an experiment. Look at the French. A year of protests against UN Agenda 21. Look at the British. Still fighting for Brexit. Look at the Hong Kongers. Fighting hard for freedom. And look at European commuters who are pulling Extinction Rebellion protesters off of metro cars where they have blocked trains. American people are not easily shaken out of their routine and mainly show their annoyance and concern when voting occasionally. The 2016 election was a moment when citizens thought that they could make a statement. Eight years of the Obama experience divided the country very effectively. It's easier to destroy a system incrementally, and we're seeing it in the United States. As a people we are being driven to a breaking point. Total disruption = transformation. It takes a lot to bring down a fully developed nation of free individuals. The way to fight is by empowering ourselves with information and refusing to cooperate or collaborate with the plan. Anti-Delphi this plan. Go directly to the people with flyers. Put them on doorsteps. Do it. On the road again. Evacuating the firestorms, or threats of firestorms in besieged's a good time to review the Wildlands Project and Smart Growth.
Take a look at the actual fire limits in Sonoma County and then take a look at the huge evacuation area and even larger PGE electrical shutoffs. Terror is a tool for implementing UN Agenda 21. Californians are being terrorized. As I've said in the past, it takes a lot to destroy a large, established, successful economy like that of California, the largest in the US and the 5th largest in the world. Flooding the state with poorly educated low-income immigrants is one fine way to break an economy. Another way is to interrupt and/or destroy the energy grid. As the lights go dark in California and PGE holds us hostage to their re-insurers, we experience UN Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development in action. We'll be screaming for help and they'll give us just what they want: more restrictions on energy usage. When you take this plan apart it's not about 'protecting the planet' at all. The environmental movement is a mask for a plan to centralize control of all resources, natural and human, in the world. The Wildlands Project as conceived is actually a takeover of private lands and a justification for pushing people out of rural areas across the world. Burn them out, zone them out, restrict them out. Raise the fire insurance rates in rural areas, mismanage the forests so that dead trees and undergrowth choke them with tinder, have Medicare pay rural doctors less, close rural schools, monitor water wells...all of this moves people into the city centers. The green mask is that it would protect the wild animals. This might seem like a good idea to some but the questions Why? and How? must be asked and then it doesn't look so wonderful. In my opinion those pushing the Wildlands Project (Dr.Reed Noss et al) are the useful idiots who can be relied upon to propose the most extreme 'solutions' that make Sustainable Development happen. Clear all permanent human activity out of the rural areas. UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development is an inventory and control plan. It is a plan for ultimately removing all boundaries and taking decision-making out of the hands of the governed, regionalizing governance and breaking down the nation-state. It calls for concentrating human populations in 'islands of human habitation': the mega-region massive city-states. As written, the plan calls for 'data sharing' in every aspect of implementation. Data gathering, total information, is a fundamental part of this plan and includes every part of your life and everything on the planet. You can't control what you don't know you have. The inventory part of the plan is vital. Environmental plans require data gathering, sharing, and control. With the huge gap in economic classes developing into a nearly medieval state you'll be more likely to see a neo-feudalistic condition in the future. There will be those few who will benefit greatly from this plan. Forests grow back. Animals return. At some point, in the near future, you will not. You may be interested in this website found through the Wayback Machine. It's a slideshow exposing the design of the Wildlands Project. Any extreme vision for the future is suspect. Such visions require extreme actions where the end justifies the means. This kind of mentality is dangerous when exhibited by those who see themselves as the ultimate arbiters of life for the common good. THIS IS UN AGENDA 21. YOU ARE THE RESISTANCE. Our friend, the brilliant researcher and analyst, Vicky Davis, has the best website we've seen for in-depth shocking information that explains and explores the new world order in a way that no one else does. The Technocratic Tyranny breaks down current news and goes deep behind it into connections and history, tying it all together with source documents. This is what you want.
You must visit for your master class. When I first started giving speeches about UN Agenda 21 in 2008 the press was smearing us the old-fashioned way: with articles and omissions of information. Now, of course, independent media has exploded and we're subject to all kinds of censorship. Alex Jones, the big canary in the deep climate-change causing coal mine, was ejected from the so-called private platform of YouTube along with others whose free speech was just a little too free for the controllers. As I detailed in a previous post, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, has given far more to the Democrats than the Russians have invested in supposedly influencing the elections, cough, cough.
So now when you try to watch a video of me giving a speech or being interviewed you may not be able to find it. The algorithms are burying my work and mixing it in with actual UN videos on the joys of UN Agenda 21 and the Sustainable Development Goals. Sounds like a band name. UNA21 and the SDGs. When you do find me on YouTube you'll see a disclaimer below the video earnestly telling you that UN Agenda 21 is a non-binding voluntary blah blah blah. Nothing to see here, folks, move along. I thought I'd make it a bit easier for you and post a couple of recent interviews I did with Jason Liosatos from the UK. One of the ways that we can break the stranglehold is to share information with each other. Host a video viewing party after work or on the weekend and share. Don't isolate yourself---the online community can't share a beer or take a walk with you to put flyers on doorsteps. Make it real. Take a look at my YouTube channel for interviews and speeches. The idea of Artificial Intelligence still exceeds the actual ability of machines to formulate concepts and truly learn. What AI is really good for is spying. Surveillance. Quickly sorting through huge data sets and linking elements together in order to identify and assist in monitoring whatever it is that is being tracked.
So today when I heard that 'hate speech' is being identified by an algorithm and a message is being sent to the 'hater' that this speech is not acceptable I was concerned. Today's guest on National Public Radio's Marketplace program was Anna Bethke, Head of AI for Social Good at Intel. Her title alone is one to make you stop and salute your Agenda 21 handbook. Ms. Bethke is engaged in enabling AI to be used in real time to stop the use of language and terms that are considered to be unacceptable to whatever online community the user is a part of. In this case speech is written, but Ms. Bethke is working on detecting 'hate speech' in vocal conversations. Intel is working with groups like Reddit and Twitter to test their AI bots. Somehow these bots will know hate speech when they see it or hear it. It's necessary to have AI perform this task, according to Ms. Bethke, because it's just too much of a burden for human beings. The interviewer, as usual, doesn't ask the hard questions such as "How do you define hate speech? Can a speaker appeal the decision? Are there any limits on what sort of speech is tracked and commented on? Isn't there a political element to this? Can you see a possibility of 'climate change denial' or '9/11 truth' or 'Trump supporters' or 'Agenda 21 / Sustainable Development activists' being blocked from posting on or using the web?" It seems that the Chinese would love this kind of thing for their Social Credit Score. It would make it awfully easy to determine if demerits were in order. Wonderful to force good behavior, or else. Who needs morality when fear works so much better and the message can be changed so easily? On a daily basis we are reminded that the new public square, the internet, is not a public square at all but is a privately owned and controlled platform designed to record, trace, track, identify, absorb, retain, and manipulate all speech forever. Source |
And the winner is...What is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development? Archives
January 2021
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