There are 300,000,000 people in the US. Five percent is 15,000,000. Figure half of that for those who aren't going to just sit around and let themselves be Delphi'd in consensus meetings, pushed around by their City Councils, told that they have to agree to lose their private property rights to redevelopment projects, shamed into watching while their neighbors are bullied by Community Oriented Police measures, and flattered into mandatory volunteer programs for local non-profits designed to dictate their life choices.
Yes, that's about SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE in the United States. That's seven times the population of San Francisco. About twice the population of Chicago. About equal to New York. Remember that when you go to a 'visioning meeting' put on by the regional transportation authority and local government. You are just one of millions of people across the nation who are standing up every day and saying 'We will not be bullied into silence. We object to being told that we are a threat to the planet if we live in a house and drive a car. We know that this is just a smokescreen for the plan to run a total information network designed for maximum control of our lives. This is the biggest public relations stunt in the history of the world, and we are not going to go passively.' And remember: Seven million is only two and a half percent.
Speak up, speak out, reach out to those who will be bitterly disappointed to see that the vision of a perfect world of no carbon emissions and smiling people is a sham. A manipulation. An artificial construct designed to direct whole populations to a pre-determined outcome. The obedient, passive, unquestioning mass of consumers ready to turn on their neighbors and report. Is that what we want for our going forward?
Five percent. Make it happen.