Keep some with you and drop them off when you're doing your day. A few on the tables at your coffee shop, on the grocery store bulletin board, at the sports games you attend, at the government meetings, local education meetings. Take them with you to meetings where you think you'll be Delphi'd, when you think people could use a little consciousness raising.
People know that something is wrong. Just the other day we were listening to National Public Radio---a program regarding the arts---and the artist said that there's not much time left and that the world is in danger. This sense of panic and limited time is making it less possible for people to think clearly. They don't have the information to recognize that all of this is part of the UN Agenda 21 plan to foster a one world government. Now to some this would seem like a good idea, and to others it might seem like a stupid science fiction drama, but actually it is happening.
Where is the proof? Like a slowly tightening bag it assaults us on all sides. Limits on personal freedoms, increasing local and large scale police forces and arming them with more high tech army grade weapons, creation of neighborhood/local quasi-governmental groups (Neighborhood Summits, Asset Based Community Development, Community Oriented Policing--COPS), travel restrictions, land use limitations, escalating limitations on water rights and rural farming rights , educational tools to pave the way for a one planet/one world government.
This last one is interesting. Children in the US today are told that this is one planet and what we do has an impact on everyone. This is true. They are also told that the US is the bad guy in the world and that we are at fault for world poverty. Is this true? In some ways yes. But the problem with a simplistic reduction of this issue is that our system of freedom of speech and privacy rights is at risk when a one world government is proposed. We are hanging onto our rights by our fingernails now. When, under communitarian law, our rights are 'balanced' against the so-called rights of the community, we as individuals will lose. What is the perfect low impact, low energy consuming, low carbon producing community?
A prison.