Wearing ripped jeans?
Ragged haircut?
UN Agenda 21 is getting you accustomed to being poor. The Real New Normal.
Recently when I was in Portland, Oregon, I saw a man waiting for the light to change so he could cross the street. I couldn't tell if he was homeless or a hipster until I noticed the filth on the bottom of his jeans. In Portland the homeless can camp on any public land. His tent was sitting on a triangular median strip in the middle of the street. But he definitely looked hip.
When you walk into a fashionable eatery in West Los Angeles, or NYC, or anywhere, really, you see prison tattoos, jeans with holes in them and hobo haircuts. Yep, a couple of grand will get you a complete outfit. But your hipness is measured by a different standard. Trashy, slutty, ragged, criminal style is popular because you won't be able to tell the rich from the poor. And that's by design. You're being told that you're consuming too much, you're an evil human who excretes plastic and other toxic materials and, hey, it would be better if you weren't here at all. Aspire to be poor, or to look poor. Kind of like Mark Zuckerberg in a T-shirt.
At the same time that you're making your fashion statement, many state and local governments are engaged in calling homelessness the most serious problem they have. The casualties of the 2008 real estate pump and dump are wandering around the US with their dogs and backpacks looking for free stuff. Governors are proposing using eminent domain to acquire hotels and housing developments so that homeless people can get off the streets and into a condo. In California, Governor Newsom is supporting AB 828 which would reduce rents by 25%. Contract law? What's that? Tough for you, greedy landlord.
New local laws have made it illegal for a landlord to 'discriminate' against a tenant-applicant for the source of their income or for their former prison time. Property rights? What's that? Haven't you heard? Housing is a human right, and apparently it's your right to have another individual subsidize your housing.
All of those regional plans across the US and the world call for 'mixed income' housing. That means low income tenants mixed in with high income tenants in the same building. Everyone in the elevator is wearing the same thing and can compare tats. That's the fantasy anyway. The vision of the glorious future and the austerity of the present. Get used to the NEW NORMAL.
UN Agenda 21 is a plan to DISRUPT and DESTROY the existing system. The legal system, the social system, the educational system, the entire system of life that you think is going to last forever. It won't. Huge unemployment after the COVID-19 event will put holes in your jeans for real. Cool.