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No, this isn't to pick on the Episcopalian Church --- the Church is obviously fully supporting UN Agenda 21 openly. The question is: Are you an Episcopalian? Did you know that your church is actively working to implement UN Agenda 21? Your church is in the BUSINESS of implementing UN Agenda 21. Trouble viewing the video? Click here
When you go to church or synagogue you may hear something like this:
All beings are God's creation and all people on earth are entitled to peace and freedom from want. But listen closely and you might hear something like this Eco-Justice info from the Episcopal Church (click to read): "The Episcopal Church's Office of Global Relations supports the United Nations as it works towards global, collective ecological responsibility. In 1992 earth leaders assembled for an Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and created the Rio Declaration which became known as Agenda 21. It called for balance between the economic, social, and environmental needs of present and future generations. In 2006, The Episcopal Church's General Convention declared the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be the top mission priority of The Episcopal Church. The ONE Episcopalian Campaign represents a partnership between The Episcopal Church and the ONE Campaign, striving together to end extreme global poverty and achieve the eight MDGs set by the United Nations and affirmed by every nation in the world." In 2006, the Episcopal Church launched a partnership with the ONE Campaign. The ONE Campaign is committed to ending global poverty through implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). In 2000, leaders from around the world committed to eight goals designed to target the world’s poorest. These goals address hunger, universal primary education, gender equality, child mortality, HIV/AIDS, and clean water. The eighth goal, global partnership, ensures that the MDGs are a cooperative effort among all nations. 2015 is the target date for completion of the MDGs. ONE Episcopalian allows individuals and congregations to take action and address the needs of the world’s poor. Just as there are countless problems associated with poverty, there are also countless solutions. ONE Episcopalian members can educate their friends, families, and fellow worshippers on issues related to global poverty. They can call, write, and visit their representatives in Congress when MDG-related bills are considered. Prayer vigils, marches, and fundraisers can mobilize their community around an issue. The opportunities available through ONE Episcopalian are limitless, but the time is not. The target date for the Millennium Development Goals is fast approaching, and there is still so much work to be done. Join with fellow Episcopalians around the world in eradicating extreme global poverty. Join ONE Episcopalian today!" IS YOUR CHURCH SUPPORTING UN AGENDA 21? DO YOU SIT QUIETLY WHILE YOUR PASTOR OR RABBI PREACHES AGENDA 21? ARE YOU GOING TO SPEAK OUT OR WILL YOU JUST QUIT YOUR CHURCH? OR WILL YOU GO ALONG? BE THE RESISTANCE. DO IT NOW. |
And the winner is...What is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development? Archives
January 2021
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