A one trillion dollar federal program to enable local governments to purchase vacant residential, commercial, and industrial properties from banks and demolish them. Why?
So that more green space can be created in cities. They call this turning redfields (vacant bank-owned properties in the 'red') to greenfields (parks and open space).
In this fantasy world of more and more federal money created out of thin air, underperforming property held in private ownership will be converted to publicly held open space. Your community, which now can't keep your existing parks watered and maintained, will acquire bank-owned land. In this sort of perfect UN Agenda 21 spin, all of the people in smartgrowth buildings downtown need a place to play. It has to be a public place because government can't observe you when you're in your backyard. In another 'rescue' of banks and as a part of UN Agenda 21's war on private property, existing buildings will be demolished and private land taken off of the property tax rolls. Demolition of buildings (how's that for a greenhouse gas/carbon generating/landfill glutting solution) and building parks will 'create jobs' in this scenario.
Let's say it again: ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of federal money is proposed for this 'land-based approach to solving America's economic crisis.' That quote is from the Urban Land Institute's January/February 2010 article From Vacant Properties to Green Space. It covers the 'story' that City Parks Alliance, of Washington, DC is developing a federal funding strategy for this scheme.
Can we put this together?
- Step by step: UN Agenda 21 sets the stage for high density development in cities.
- Redevelopment agencies subsidize development for smart growth. Only some favored builders were in on the money train.
- Banks were urged in the Clinton administration to loosen their loan criteria and let the money flow.
- Developers built more and more commercial and residential buildings, glutting the market
- The economic collapse was engineered to cover the migration of business and production out of the US.
- The stock market crash was engineered to suck wealth out of the middle class and destabilize their retirement.
- The TARP bail-out was pay-back for the banks and consolidated their power by allowing them to take over smaller banks.
- The crashed economy is a staged event and encourages agitation for more social programs, along with the vilification of property ownership. Those who own private property are 'greedy.'
- As people lose their homes to foreclosure and their steady employment vanishes, they will be more willing to live in government subsidized apartments in the center of cities. There will be less people to object to loss of private property rights. Proposals to stop the federal mortgage tax credit will be more easily accepted, thus threatening private home ownership. The press obligingly writes articles about the miseries of home ownership and extolls the virtues of living in a condo (maintenance-free!) or apartment (move when you want!) next to the train tracks.
- Private car ownership will become unaffordable through high gasoline prices, high parking costs in city centers, and vehicle miles traveled taxes, and wages can be lowered to reflect the 'savings.'
- The redfields to greenfields conversions in the suburbs allow cities to demolish buildings and close off services to those areas. Redevelopment dollars, your property tax dollars, will be used for these projects.
- Rural roads will not be paved, making rural property less valuable, banks will foreclose and local government will buy for pennies on the dollar. Less and less land will be available for agriculture, for production, for small scale living. Government-owned land will be managed by or given to non-profit land trusts in public private partnerships.
- Lands will be closed off to public use. Rural areas closed. Suburban areas closed. Forest areas closed. Rural roads closed. Logging roads closed. Camping areas closed. State park areas closed.
- Restrictions on travel. Personal identification required at all times. Health records. School records. Communication records. Email, Facebook, Global positioning mapping, Virtual Reality---all serve to narrow your world.
- Regionalization of government will take the planning decisions away from local government and out of your control. Rural councils, regional boards, neighborhood associations, condominum boards, residents' associations---all speak for you without your ability to stop them. They all want the same thing. Control, total information, and social engineering. Think you'll be able to stop SmartMeters when you live in a 200 unit building owned by your local low income (government subsidized) housing developer?
That was easy, wasn't it? Most of this is in place right now. That's how you turn RED to GREEN in the UN Agenda 21 plan.