Now Pope Francis is releasing his 2015 Encyclical saying the end is near and it's all our fault.
From the people (Papal?) who brought us the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, witch burning, and the glorious visions of men in robes, we have the Roman Catholic Church's brand on the forehead of 'deniers'. Yes, from the Church that outlawed the reading of the Christian Bible by its own followers, you are directed not to question.
Repeating the Vatican's 2011 call for World Government, this new encyclical calls for a World Authority to govern. And the ruler would be ... who? Here's what the Pope said in 2011:
"However, a long road still needs to be traveled before arriving at the creation of a public Authority with universal jurisdiction. It would seem logical for the reform process to proceed with the United Nations as its reference because of the worldwide scope of the UN’s responsibilities, its ability to bring together the nations of the world, and the diversity of its tasks and those of its specialized Agencies. "
Yes, it just makes sense that the United Nations would be the world authority. It 'seems logical.'
Perhaps the Pope, who just accepted the resignation of one of his US Archbishops over pedophilia charges and church coverups, should change the climate in the Catholic Church. Why are there still pedophiles hiding in confessionals, orphanages, and classrooms? Perhaps the Pope should resign so that he can take over the UN's Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals---we'd be sure that they would fail. The Catholic Church is committed to UN Agenda 21.