In meetings across California, unelected and unaccountable regulators are setting up networks of regional government that are usurping local control from you and your duly elected city, county, community and other local officials. These regional bodies are not acting in the “public good” but are reinventing a government that strips property rights away from legitimate property owners and instead gives them to a chosen few under the auspices of programs such as “sustainable development”, ”smart growth” and “public-private partnerships.”
Are you a property owner? Do you value local control of your communities by your duly elected officials? If so, then the time to act is NOW! The Globalization of California Forum brings top recognized experts together (Michael Shaw, Patrick Wood, Rosa Koire, Debbie Bacigalupi, Heather Gass, Mike Munzing, Matt Grocott, Steve Brandau) to reveal the details and the necessary actions to put a stop to it! Space is limited, so get your ticket today! The Globalization of California Forum Saturday, May 3, 2014 – 10:00AM to 5:30PM Treasure Island, San Francisco Bay Doors open at 9:30AM for Check-in & Registration Lunch and Information Packet included Individual, Family and Group Tickets Available Tomorrow evening, October 30, 'For The Record' a 60-Minutes-style news program will air 'The Agenda' a documentary on UN Agenda 21 and regional planning.
This excellent, well-produced program examines the impacts of Smart Growth and regional over-reach on the San Francisco Bay Area, Detroit, and Portland. I was pleased to be featured in the show and hope that you'll be able to watch and share it with your fellow activists and friends. There is a 14 day free trial period for this subscription station Thank you for your commitment to exposing and fighting UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. Awareness is the first step in the Resistance. Rosa Read the following carefully. It is the blueprint for the disintegration of established systems, and you are seeing it all around you, now. This article is specifically about the educational system but it applies to every aspect of our cultural, political, economic, and environmental systems. Second order changes are in progress right now, and that is why nothing seems to make sense.
From Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America THE 1990–91 (WINTER) ISSUE OF OUTCOMES, an educational journal devoted to discussion of Outcome-Based Education and the problems associated with its implementation (teachers’, administrators’ and community resistance) published a remarkable article entitled “Paradigm Change: More Magic than Logic” by John C. Hillary. The reader should remember that the manipulation of classroom teachers and administrators discussed in this article is standard operating procedure in most schools undergoing “restructuring.” Excerpts from Hillary’s article in Outcomes follow: The deeper changes that frustrate leaders and threaten followers are planned second-order changes.... These changes intentionally challenge widely shared assumptions, disintegrate the context of “organization” and, in general, reframe the social system. This, in turn, generates widespread ambiguity, discontinuity, anxiety, frustration, confusion, paranoia, cynicism and anger as well as temporary dysfunction. Such trauma often builds to the point that leaders abandon their efforts. The most disruptive changes—second order changes—on the other hand, call into question the entire context of organization. Such multidimensional changes not only challenge the content of each domain but also disrupt the alignment among them. Paradigm change is therefore not only traumatic in and of itself, but also challenges other attributes and disintegrates the relationship among all domains. The eventual outcome of such change is “transformed” or “renewed” organization. The new vision for schooling suggested by contemporary educators represents a significant “second order” challenge to school organization. The leader of planned second order change will be regarded as out of context by the organization. If he thinks and behaves in accord with a vision that requires second order changes, he has no choice but to violate or challenge the established culture, mission/purpose, and paradigm of the organization. From the existing frame of reference, such behavior will be seen as illogical. Powerful and pervasive psycho-social forces will bear down on the renegade in a relentless organizational effort to bring him back into alignment. Unless the leader succeeds in progressively bending the pervasive frame, persistence is increasingly risky. During second order change, the organization must face and hopefully pass through a period of widespread psychological ambiguity, social disconnectedness and general confusion....The requisite disintegration of the existing culture, mission/purpose, and paradigm disrupts the organization’s frame of reference. During this time, there is little or no clear and consistent context to guide the thinking and behavior of members. In social systems, this condition produces dysfunction, anxiety, frustration, disequilibrium, and systemic chaos. The instigator of second order change must consistently behave in ways that will not make sense when framed by the existing context. With time and leadership, the organization environment must move from initially and naturally selecting against the innovation to selecting for the innovation. The extinction of the old way of doing business is the desired outcome. Hence and with time, the risk should gradually shift away from the innovator and toward those who persist in holding on to “the way it’s always been.” Thank you very much for your donation to the Post Sustainability Institute legal fund. These funds will be used to fight One Bay Area/Plan Bay Area. To read our objections to the Plan please go to Legal Objections.
The state intends to bring back redevelopment/tax increment financing to pay for Plan Bay Area. This will result in deep generational debt. For more information see Bringing Redevelopment Back We appreciate your contribution--Plan Bay Area will have devastating impacts on all of us here as well as around the nation if it proceeds unchallenged. Rosa According to the latest article in the American Bar Association magazine, Probate and Property, we're haters. Kitten haters to be exact. Rosa was interviewed for the magazine's article on how lawyers should be thinking about smart growth--that's what the propaganda was about.
Take a look here at the video of Rosa's interview with James Slaton, attorney/journalist for Probate and Property. Click here. Then read the American Bar Association article by clicking here. ![]() The propaganda campaigners are on the usual. Planners have created a false argument and spread it around so that people who are ignorant will think they're real smart when they accuse us of supporting individual rights that would permit a pig farm next to a church. Yep, this is the 'argument.' That those of us who are alerting the public to the smart growth/UN Agenda 21 manipulation are ANARCHISTS. This is a smoke-screen and a diversion, an absurd smear that does not address the reality of how form-based zoning and General Plan requirements for Transit Oriented Development take our private property rights. The picture above is from wikipedia under the Form-Based Code entry. Take a look at the link for an animated example of how form-based codes work. These are zoning codes that are changing the face of America. The idea is that buildings should be densely packed and built right to the edge of the sidewalk. Look at the cartoon. See those buildings scoot up to the edge of the sidewalk? Those existing buildings that move like magic to the edge of the sidewalk ? Now go out on your street and do that. Go ahead, try and move the existing building to the edge of the sidewalk. Impossible, isn't it?
These cartoons really say it all. Monolithic buildings will be constructed where a variety of building styles once stood. Property owners are losing their land and buildings through regulations, restrictions, eminent domain, redevelopment, sustainable communities initiatives, and many more programs that shift property ownership to public private partnerships. The false 'argument' that those of us fighting the redesignation of our city centers to Transit Oriented Development and mixed use would want to see a pig farm next to a church is designed to marginalize and mock you. The truth is that your zoning is made irrelevant by the overall plan for your city, called a General Plan, that trumps zoning. If you don't conform to the new form-based zone (adopted in some cities), or new General Plan mixed use designations then your building is 'legally non-conforming.' The goal is to gradually phase out all buildings and uses that don't conform, no matter what impact this will have on the existing owners or tenants of those buildings. You can't move your existing building 20 feet. You can't just build two stories of apartments on top of your retail store. Your city knows this. The planners know this. You know this. But the press will lie and call you an anarchist in order to misinform the public. Fight back. Counter this false argument with the facts of form-based zoning. Speaking of facts about form-based zoning, here's a doozie: (From Wikipedia--Mandatory codes. This is the most common adoption approach. It has the most regulatory "teeth"—compliance is required. But it is the most ambitious of the approaches, making the new code a seamless part of, or a complete replacement for, the existing zoning ordinance. The form-based code can be adopted as a new zoning district or as an overlay district. Unique to California and a few other states with appropriate enabling legislation, form-based codes can be contained within a planning document called a "specific plan," which can completely override the zoning ordinance for a given geographic area. So what does this mean? It means that zoning is irrelevant, that form-based codes can over-ride zoning and be mandatory. What else? That, with few exceptions, anything that fits into the building is ok. This code is 'form-based' which means that it's form over function. Yes, if you can squeeze into the building then it doesn't matter what you do in it. In Mexico you see this as having a tortilla factory (extremely noisy) in a residential neighborhood because it fits in the building. Sound good? Smart Growth is an ideology. It is also the hardscape for your future poverty under UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. CLICK HERE TO WATCH ROSA ON GLENN BECK'S SHOW 8/1/12 It was a short show, but excellent. Hopefully we'll see more in-depth focus on UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development in the future. ![]() The City of San Bernardino, CA has just declared bankruptcy. This is a page from their miserable confession. Look at the chart. It shows that they lied about the amount of money they actually had. The July 1st balance is the true balance and the Staff Reported Fund Balance is the lie. In 2011-12 the city was lying and saying it had $2 million when it was really over a million in the hole. What are the consequences for the liars? Well? The newspapers are full of UN Agenda 21. Just look at the front page on any day.
Now, today, there are two related stories in the news. One is that the city of San Bernardino, California is bankrupt. What they don't tell you is that this decidedly downscale town is ONE BILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT FOR REDEVELOPMENT BONDS. You can probably buy the whole town for less than that. So they were destroyed by the greed, manipulation, and conniving of the Redevelopment Agency. We must remind you that Redevelopment is a funding and implementation arm for UN Agenda 21. Government subsidies for smart growth--the preferred development style of UN A21. Click on the red and read the propaganda project summary that got San Bernardino into their death gasp--and then compare it to what your town is doing. 'Compass Blueprint' 'Sustainable Community Strategies' or hardscape for your financial collapse and future poverty? Guess what? Three cities in California have declared bankruptcy. What do they have in common? San Bernardino, Stockton, and Mammoth Lakes are all ICLEI members. What's the other story? You have to sit down for it. It's a reprint from the New York Times. Try and wrap your mind around this one. San Bernardino, the very same town that bankrupted itself with redevelopment debt, is talking about using the power of eminent domain to condemn underwater mortgages. This is such a mind-blower that you should be jumping up and down right now. What does this mean? That if you are a property owner and your house is worth less than your mortgage amount (fifty percent of the houses in San Bernardino), the city (where the hell are they getting the money for this???) is going to condemn using the power of eminent domain (where is the public use???) and take the mortgage away from your mortgage holder: the private lender. This COMMUNITARIAN SCHEME is for the common good. The property owner isn't even in default--this is so insane. Then the city owns your mortgage and they supposedly offer to lower your payments and your loan amount. Oh happy day, right? Wrong. This is a violation of the use of eminent domain. The mortgage holder could be the little old lady next door who is now ripped off by the government. Yes, it's only for private lenders not the big banks--because the city knows that the big banks will sue the heck out of them for this scheme. The property owner is now dealing with the government--the new owner of the mortgage--and now presumably the government has full access to all of his financial information. What if you miss a payment? Does the city take your property? And what is this but a huge expansion of government yet again? Obviously the government can't even keep the streetlights on but now they're going into the mortgage lending business?? No. It will be a public private partnership. With a guy named Steven Gluckstern providing the money for this outrageous Machiavellian manipulation of our constitutional protections. Who is he? Big money--formerly with Warren Buffett. B.J. Greenspan, his sister, is also on the board, and worked for George Soros. Take a look. Yesterday our local paper had a story about 100 year old historic bridges in Yosemite that are probably going to be demolished because they 'interfere with the flow of the river.' Will the road just end so that you can't cross the river? This is the Wildlands Project. And another story, on the same page, was about the Drakes Bay Oyster Company--about to be kicked out of their 70 year old location on Tomales Bay in California because the National Park Service wants to declare the whole area 'designated wilderness.' Yeah, Wilderness, untrammeled by man. It's trammeled, all right. Trammeled for 100 years but the National Park Service, that corrupt agency, wants to declare it 'designated wilderness' so that they can keep humans out. Wildlands Project. This is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. WAKE UP. THIS IS WHAT A TOTALITARIAN STATE LOOKS LIKE. IS THAT A DRONE OVERHEAD? 'RENAISSANCE DOWNTOWNS' is the name for a corporation that is all over the US 'helping' cities redevelop their downtown areas. Actually they call themselves 'Authenticity and Quality of Life.' This company partners with the American Planning Association, the Urban Land Institute, the Congress for New Urbanism, and others to figure out ways to grab federal and state dollars to implement Smart Growth. They put on dog and pony shows (visioning meetings) and convince people that indebting themselves for 20-45 years in order to put in quaint lamp posts and wide sidewalks in the downtown area is going to be an economic driver. Then Renaissance Downtowns will 'assist' in directing your tax dollars to developers who play ball with the Smart Growth model. Renaissance keeps plenty for themselves too. This is a manipulation that keeps UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development alive and eating at your town. You may have new streetlights but you'll be in debt for 2 generations paying off bonds that funded big developers. Sustainable! Take a look at California for the real truth on redevelopment. It bankrupts cities.
Here's what they say on their website: Straight out of the Sustainable Development playbook. Comprehensive Planning as a Tool to Attract Funding: Another critical component of a comprehensive approach to downtown planning and redevelopment is the increased opportunity to receive significant federal funding assistance for efforts that could range from the construction of structured parking, rehab/revitalization of historic buildings, economic development grants and significant pools of money to enable the successful implementation of large scale, well planned and coordinated downtown redevelopment efforts. Such a comprehensive approach also provides a tremendous advantage for communities that are looking to institute or reinstitute rail service to their downtown. The federal government has formed an interagency partnership that includes HUD, USDOT, USEPA, Federal Transit Administration and Federal Railroad Administration amongst other groups to jointly review grant applications. Renaissance has been involved in these discussions, including participation on panels that include high ranking members of the aforementioned agencies. The Presidential Administration and Congress, through their Sustainable Communities initiative amongst other efforts, is looking to award federal dollars to large scale, smart growth redevelopment efforts, especially those that focus on transit oriented development within our nation's downtowns. Their goal is to see significant returns on public investments that include job and economic growth, social benefits for communities and regions along with environmental benefits. With this in mind, a comprehensive downtown redevelopment designed to meet these objectives stands a far greater chance of receiving significant funding dollars and/or resumption of rail than smaller, isolated efforts. In short, the government is not looking to provide just streetscape grants and sidewalk benches - they are looking for transformative projects focused on our nation's downtowns that will serve the triple bottom line of social, economic and environmental responsibility. An example of how to successfully leverage private investment to procure significant funding is Renaissance's Glen Cove Waterfront Redevelopment plan, which has garnered nearly 140 Million dollars in public funding for infrastructure and remediation work, along with funding slated for the construction of the City's ferry terminal. The concept utilizing private investment as a catalyst to attract federal dollars is an additional benefit to large scale, comprehensive downtown redevelopment efforts. Kind of dramatic, but it's a big deal:
CALIFORNIA'S REDEVELOPMENT AGENCIES ARE DEAD. The courts have determined that the State has the right to end redevelopment AND that it is improper for the cities and counties to be able to pay to stay in the redevelopment game. You'll remember that two California bills had been passed. One killed redevelopment, and the other allowed cities and counties to pay the State the amount of property taxes that had been diverted away from schools to the redevelopment agencies. The cities and counties were arguing (absurdly) that this was a ransom. In the 'Through The Looking Glass' world of UN Agenda 21 and Redevelopment, the 'logic' was that since the cities and counties had been able to take property taxes meant for schools, roads, police and fire, general funds, etc for so many years and divert them to the redevelopment agencies, if they had to give some back to the State for schools that was a 'ransom.' WE ARE CELEBRATING TODAY. WE THOUGHT WE'D NEVER SEE IT. But be careful: INFRASTRUCTURE FINANCING DISTRICTS are another vampire. This is a way to take your tax dollars and pay for Smart Growth--the preferred development model for UN Agenda 21. LET'S KILL IFD's. PUT THAT VAMPIRE DOWN! Yes, the book you've been waiting for is hot off the press!
BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U. N. Agenda 21 by Rosa Koire If you've been waiting for an interesting, clearly written, how-to-manual for identifying and fighting UN Agenda 21, here it is. Organized in three basic sections that tell you what it is, how it affects you, and what you can do to fight it, BEHIND THE GREEN MASK: U.N. Agenda 21 is 168 pages of truth. Part history, part current events, part hand-to-hand combat, and part blueprint for freedom, this is one book that you'll put to use right away! Boots on the ground and all hands on deck is the order of the day. Let's put this book to work! We'll have it on Amazon in a few weeks, but right now you can get it here. Just go to our Donate/Contact Us page and email us with how many books you'd like and your mailing address. They're $17 each + $3 shipping. We will pay the tax. If you'd like to send a check, please send it to: Post Sustainability Institute PO Box 15192 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Thank you! Here's something you may not have heard of yet:
A one trillion dollar federal program to enable local governments to purchase vacant residential, commercial, and industrial properties from banks and demolish them. Why? So that more green space can be created in cities. They call this turning redfields (vacant bank-owned properties in the 'red') to greenfields (parks and open space). In this fantasy world of more and more federal money created out of thin air, underperforming property held in private ownership will be converted to publicly held open space. Your community, which now can't keep your existing parks watered and maintained, will acquire bank-owned land. In this sort of perfect UN Agenda 21 spin, all of the people in smartgrowth buildings downtown need a place to play. It has to be a public place because government can't observe you when you're in your backyard. In another 'rescue' of banks and as a part of UN Agenda 21's war on private property, existing buildings will be demolished and private land taken off of the property tax rolls. Demolition of buildings (how's that for a greenhouse gas/carbon generating/landfill glutting solution) and building parks will 'create jobs' in this scenario. Let's say it again: ONE TRILLION DOLLARS of federal money is proposed for this 'land-based approach to solving America's economic crisis.' That quote is from the Urban Land Institute's January/February 2010 article From Vacant Properties to Green Space. It covers the 'story' that City Parks Alliance, of Washington, DC is developing a federal funding strategy for this scheme. Can we put this together?
By now everyone has heard that Chinese curse : May you live in interesting times!
Well, it's been interesting lately. I've been on several radio shows (Maggie Roddin's The Unsolicited Opinion is a terrific source of information---you can listen on-line at, and have been speaking in Northern California. I've been invited to speak all over California and in many states. I hope that I'll be able to come and visit with you and talk about this important issue. A couple of days after I spoke at the East Bay Tea Party's meeting in Danville, CA, which was video'd by Steve Kemp, I got a call at 6:30 in the morning telling me that the video of my speech had been posted by Glenn Beck on his website I had never heard of Glenn Beck before but I could see that this was a pretty big deal. We had over 5,000 hits on our website every day for a week, and over 10,000 people have viewed my speech (you can see it on this website by going to the What is Agenda 21 and Why Should I Care page---scroll down). I am really grateful that the information about UN Agenda 21 is spreading across the United States. I can't keep up with my email, and I want to let everyone know that there is a fantastic grassroots movement of activists in every state standing up and saying no to UN Agenda 21. I hope you'll join us in spreading the word about UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development, and its handmaiden: Redevelopment. Awareness is the first step in the Resistance. |
And the winner is...What is UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development? Archives
January 2021
NOTE: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Articles may be republished as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact. 2010-2020 COPYRIGHT ROSA KOIRE