Here's the next big thing in car technology: biometric monitors. They could one day be used to track everything from a driver's stress level to blood-sugar levels. Ford, Mercedes-Benz and Lexus are among the carmakers that are busy doing research to take us down that road.
Ford technician Jeff Greenberg, who is leading the carmaker's research into the use of biometric monitors, says the car of the future could be equipped to keep track of you in much more intimate ways. Among the monitors that Ford has been researching, he says, are sensors embedded in the steering wheel that can measure galvanic skin response -- "basically how sweaty your palms are," he explains. Seat belt sensors can monitor breathing rates.
Based on what your car decides, Greenberg says, your cell phone might not ring through at just the moment you're likely experiencing sensory overload in heavy traffic. The trick to having your car second-guess your driving abilities is figuring out what's helpful, or could just be more distracting.
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