I had contacted Cynthia Boaz about a year or so ago because she commented on a newspaper website that she had been 'purged' from the email list of a local group, Sonoma County Conservation Action, because she had criticized a politician that they support.
Here's what she wrote:
My question: has Debora Fudge disclosed – in the name of full transparency- that she took $500 for her supervisor campaign from the Coddings? It’s on her financial report, but did the rest of the SMART board know of her vested interest in the Codding site and conversely, does FPPC know of the cozy relationship between the Coddings and SMART board? How is that not a conflict of interest?? Or something much worse? SCCA banned me from their Facebook page (and deleted all my previous comments, even ones that had nothing to do with Fudge or this race) after I asked this question there, in response to their celebratory post about this announcement. It’s sad that a nonprofit whose mission is supposedly embedded in values like transparency, accountability and the public good prefers to reflexively defend “their” candidate rather than engage in serious public debate. Just because their candidate Debora Fudge does it (take developer money and hands out political favors) does not make it right.
Here's what I wrote to her:
'Dear Professor Boaz,
I was interested to read your comment that you had been scrubbed from the SCCA facebook page along with all of your posts. I thinks it's far more serious than sad that an inflexible ideology has devolved into a purging of reasonable inquiry. The so-called progressive politics of the North Bay are rigidly isolating dissent and, through struggle meetings and other tactics regularly employed to chill intelligent debate, causing many to withdraw from the community.'
She never responded. I guess she slipped back into the fold.
So imagine my amusement at reading her July 2 article on the fourteen propaganda techniques used by Fox News to brainwash Americans. I was laughing through the first 5 or so because the Left, via media, local groups, Democratic Party operatives, lobbyists, UN boosters, labor 'leaders' and various obedient lackeys, had used these techniques on ME. A liberal. And apparently had used a few on HER too. I didn't read all of them---I really should see if they all fit, but they keep crashing my computer.
Hey, before you get too smug about this please realize that Fox News does use those techniques. So do others. Don't be duped. Clear your vision. That's the only vision you should be having---clear vision, since it's pretty hard to see with the wool pulled over your eyes.