The answer is YES.
Globalization is the standardization of systems. The erection of a totalitarian fascist state. A corporatocracy. Romney and Obama are part of that---are the face of it.
Now it looks like Obama is throwing the election to Romney. Why would he do that? Think back to the years of Bush II. We were worn out with war and fake victory. Battered by 9/11 and the USA PATRIOT Act. Frustrated by hanging chads and angered by Enron.
Then came Obama. For many this was a chance at recovery. For many on the left it was "HOPE and CHANGE." For the country it was a chance to show that racism was over. It was a manipulation. A smokescreen designed to forward UN Agenda 21 with a green mask.
What have we seen with Obama?
A mystery package in healthcare, thousands of pages of rules and regulations to be fully opened in 2014. A tax on 'Cadillac healthcare plans' which is a punishment for those who have quality care.
Fast and Furious--gunwalking. Selling weapons to drug warlords in Mexico in a sort of B Team cartoon that cost many their lives and increased major border crime. US Attorney General Eric Holder lying to Congress.
Renewable energy fiasco Solyndra stealing a half billion dollars in a criminal scheme with the Obama administration. Other energy companies guilty as well. Wind energy racketeering. Money grabs. Tax blinds.
How about the latest with Libya? Lying about a movie and inflaming the Arab world with this lie, when the attack was motivated by the anniversary of 9/11 AND WAS ANTICIPATED. Inadequate security made it possible.
I could go on.
Obama threw the last debate. He hung his head. He held his fire. He dropped to the mat. He warned his supporters ahead of time that he was a poor debater and that Romney would win. Why?
Would you fold up your tents and go home if Romney wins? Are you ready to jump up and down in victory if Romney wins? Will you go back to sleep if Romney wins? That's what they're hoping. That you, the Resistance, will be fooled by a suit and a haircut, and a change of teams, and that you'll go quietly back to the couch.