Things are being manipulated at a dizzying speed by an organiser who moved here two years ago- it seems to me he used two years to familiarise himself with the various people/groups here and where they are holding and now is playing them like chess pieces to achieve his agenda/agenda 21.
When he first came he spoke with me a lot about the "Man and Biosphere" program, which he insisted must be implemented here (this was in his first days here). I never thought he would actually do anything about it...and now it is being foisted on everyone without them knowing or understanding by a land use plan that is in the works... he got group of farmers together and asked everyone to sign a form stated that they were committed to the democratic process of identifying common goals and formulating solutions, and then within a day unilaterally decided to unleash a land use plan and no one sees it as harmful! The list of signatures is being used to show he represents everyone, and the democracy is non-existent in any decision making process...
All the farms are to be a "green belt" to restrict any growth of our town with severe restrictions, all in the name of ecology. Our area is to become a UN World Heritage Protection Site, even though it is already a national park and under protection. He seems to have connections to the World Bank, the FAO and WFF.
In rural Ontario industrial wind turbine companies have been given free reign to install massive turbines too close to people's homes and barns, thus rendering these homes uninhabitable. People have been forced to leave in order to protect their families from adverse health impacts. The Green Energy Act stripped elected municipal leaders and residents of their democratic rights. The Precautionary Principle was tossed out because of the IPCC catastrophic anthropogenic global warming/climate change predictions which was/is the rationale being used to justify rural people becoming collateral damage to the cause of reducing CO2.
In light of the revelations regarding the IPCC and the faulty science they used to frighten people into submission (wattsupwiththat), these turbines which are causing energy poverty because of the high costs of subsidies, installations, maintenance and their overall inefficiency, coupled with the adverse health impacts due to infrasound are proving to be a wasted effort.
And yet, the wind companies proceed to impose themselves on rural communities in decline because of the banking crisis, desperate for thebribe money the wind companies offer.
The Agenda 21 relocation of rural people to 'human settlements' is clearly part of this fiasco.
And yet, no government employee will breathe a word of this relocation agenda.
Hi I’m in France and sharing your Information Agenda 21. We are the yellow vest movement and have been explaining in French. Videos on all yellow vest Facebook groups etc. Raising consciousness. Very pleased to have found you! We share all your YouTube’s and one is translated in French. Our local mayors say openly that new world order is a good thing! Very indoctrinated indeed. Not easy to wake people and avoid negativity and violence.
I am gathering information on a proposed "Midtown Project Plan" that as I gather information it is pointing towards a U.N. Agenda 21 now 2030 Sustainable Development plan. This plan covers the area of town where I live. I found out about this plan after The planning consulting team already had their first meeting with people in the community. My wife and I as well as many other residents and business owners attended the second meeting. This is when the first red flag pointing to Agenda 21 now 2030 popped up. the speakers used the term "Sustainable Development" and would not take questions from the attendees as a whole, but rather broke them up into smaller groups according to the different zones of the plan. I observed they had people walking around listening to what the people were saying. they were employing the Delphi Technique of divide and conquer. I would like information on what steps to take to combat the implementation of this plan and how to organize the people and give them information to open their eyes to what is about to occur in their City. Upon my further gathering of information I have found out that our sister City of College Station is already implementing a Sustainable Development plan.
I'm the Program Director for The Rotary Club of Englewood in Florida. I recently attended the Rotary International Convention in Hamburg Germany where it was announce that ROTARY was merging with the United Nations to promote the SDG's THIS YEAR! I've contacted the SW FL District Governor and he is backing me on EXPOSING this to as many Rotarian members as possible... These are ALL the business owners and community leaders in the area. Just our district has 2500 members in 50+ clubs from Bradenton to Naples. I'm setting up programs with guest speakers on the subject. I would love to have you or someone from your organization locally come and address our club and local leaders on the Agenda.
Your sources of info are incredible. We in rural western NY seem to be seeing the beginning of an effort to "organize" our small communities via the Orton Family Foundation and their Heart& Soul project. All warm and fuzzy, story telling, pot lucks,etc. Doing research I Thankfully came across your site!! Also found that had a good site. Seems that has all been taken down, I am just redirected to the Go Daddy site. Glad you are still up and running. There are a few of us trying to inform people what they are getting themselves into.....Glad you are out there!!
Good day! I was researching UN 21 and came upon your page and despite it saying Democrat I read it anyway! Holy cow if we could get society to realize we're on the same side we could get somewhere politically/nationally. Evil powers are at work and they've convinced the millenials that socialism/communism is the goal and that freedom is bad. AND THEY BELIEVE IT AND ACT ON IT!!!!! Most Republicans and Patriots are on the same page and are willing to fight for our freedom. Know that it is the Democratic party that needs to get its side in line to defeat this nonsense of globalism. The world can change/improve in responsible ways without a New World Order and we want to! Just because a Republican (Bush) started/got us into this mess doesn't mean we're on the same side as him. He has now been executed for his crimes in our country and the time for justice has arrived. Amen. Bless Trump!!!!! Unless he's a Trojan, he IS our country's "savior" wake up and unite people!!!!
Greetings, I'd like to know if you think the Green New Deal is a repackaged version of Agenda 21/2030 in an attempt to implement the same goals of Agenda 21/2030. Indeed, it is. The Sunrise Movement, funded in part by the Sierra Club and Rockefeller groups, are helping to host, and encouraging, local meetings to introduce communities to the Green New Deal. In fact, the local progressives in my small rural town here in WV have organized such a meeting, set to take place this Tuesday, and it appears that the Sunrise Movement group helps with organizing the meetings by providing information, handouts, and documentaries for attendees to see. Do you have any flyers to expose the Green New Deal that I can hand out? Depending on how the meeting goes, I am considering putting on a presentation of my own to expose the fraudulent green movement for my community in an effort to counter this nonsense. Thanks.