Not to be dramatic, but this is truly the next step in the implementation of UN Agenda 21. Regionalization.
Measures are supposed to require a 2/3 vote to pass.
But by bundling all 9 counties together the more populous counties outvoted the smaller ones and overturned their 'NO' votes. In 4 of the 9 counties Measure AA did not pass. But that did not matter. So now a new entity has been created, a political entity that is actually a political/public relations money-generator, a new entity that cements the power of the mega-city, the mega-region.
All the promoters had to say was that they were 'Saving The Bay' and then spend millions of dollars on advertising to push this fairly obscure legal charade on the hapless green-washed dupes. Yep, if you objected you were branded a heartless, cheap, polluting despoiler of the environment who cared nothing about wildlife and the planet. The New Man was manipulated and fooled into the sideshow of the Green Mask. Easily.
Why? Because the New Man is designed to accept it from early childhood. The New Man is literally brainwashed to be unable to hear an opposing viewpoint. The rhetoric of Measure AA is typical and we'll be seeing a lot more of it in the future, NO MATTER WHERE WE LIVE.