Facebook has grown in power and size and monopoly to the point where it should be a regulated public utility or disbanded. We do not want private individuals, kingly autocratic technocrats, to be determining what is 'too political' or 'too extreme.' We do not want a MINISTRY OF TRUTH with the power to purge speech from the public discourse. This is a dangerous violation of our rights. If you say that you want a closed border are you a racist? If you question Hillary Clinton's truthfulness are you a sexist? If you have concerns about loss of private property rights are you an entitlement abuser? If you try to block regulatory takings are you someone who has unjustly gained wealth? If you object to UN Agenda 21 are you a conspiracy theorist advocating for fake news?
Click this link for the English translation and streamlined meeting on CSPAN. The YouTube video below does not fully translate the French, Italian, and German speakers into English.