Getting out into the hills on your land with your shotgun is one vision, but it's likely a last ditch losing fight with one exception. Believe me, I wish it was that easy. If you're honest you'll acknowledge that in the back of your mind you hold that image as an escape route. It's sort of the classic anti-hero response, isn't it? Riding off into the sunset; heading west, young man; conquering space. It's not bad in the short term and in fact this fantasy has its real-world benefits. You can develop some sense of self-reliance if you're willing to work hard, and you can build a sort of neo-agrarian alternate Edenic intentional community kinda thing. Like in the Back to the Land movement of the 1960's or the early/mid 20th century Israeli kibbutz you can form a pseudo-Socialist sharing farming collective, or heck, why not go all the way Amish? Yes, this can be good. You should be self-reliant and independent. But you can't hide.
While you're out on the land the county planning department is implementing the Regional Plan that your taxes paid consultants to develop a few years ago. In accordance with your city/county Climate Action Plan and dozens of programs developed with the junior college and local environmental NGOs (non-governmental organizations) your options are narrowing.
Your well is scheduled to be monitored so that your water use can be restricted. Your road access may be removed in conjunction with a land use plan that protects a salamander that seems to be everywhere. Your property taxes are increasing because your crop is not productive enough to change your designated use to 'Agricultural' from 'Rural Residential.' Your diesel tractor has been outlawed. You can't get a real estate loan because your fire/disaster insurance premiums have skyrocketed and you can't pay them.
Rules, restrictions, penalties, fees, fines have blocked you from burning your wood in your stove, clearing your land of stumps and rocks, paving or grading your driveway, building more than one house on your land, opening a bakery on your property, building a barn without permits, cutting down a tree, diverting water from the creek, collecting rain water, relocating the wild animal that's killing your livestock...
So, what's the answer? I said that there was an exception. You won't really like this so I'll set it up. The Action Plan, The Blueprint, The Agenda for the 21st Century, AGENDA 21 has been in the works for a long, long time. You might say that it's been in development since the mid-1800s. As with so many movements it started with an ideology, progressed to the universities, moved into the political and social realm, and finally spread to every facet of your life to make binding policy. That's a long history to combat. Every year it's more deeply entrenched. It's like pulling weeds to remove it; weeds with deep spreading roots and persistent seeds.
In fact, 'Persistence' is the motto for this Fabian Socialist movement: Slow, solid, persistent penetration into every part of physical and intellectual life. Combined with the Nazi/Stalinist/Maoist dream of technological control this ideology has been infused into all people while they're being entertained or taught. Yes, yes, you know that. So what?
So just like a garden infested with weeds, even though it would have been better to kill the weeds sooner or stop the seeds from getting into it at all, the work has to be done to eradicate it.
But we didn't stop the seeds or pull out the weeds. So now you have to take it back. Look around you. You're hearing that it doesn't matter who sits on the city council or the county supervisory board. You'll hear that you shouldn't have to go and beg these people to listen to you. You might think that you'll go onto the land and be free. But I just told you that you can't hide. So you need to OCCUPY YOUR GOVERNMENT. When was the last time that you showed up for a city council meeting? Do you even know what day they meet? Do you even know who's on the council now or who your mayor is? Have you ever been to a meeting? If you did go, did you stay for the whole meeting or did you leave after your item was heard? You left didn't you?
Do you know who is running your city and county? Are they sponsored and funded by Agenda21 groups? We need LESS LAWS, LESS ORDINANCES, AND LESS CONTROL BY LONG-TERM CIVIL SERVANTS. You need to RECALL sitting local elected people who don't block managerial membership in ICMA, UCLG, NARC, ICLEI, and countless globalist groups. You need to educate the electorate and yourself. Please click on those links. You need to show up and then STAY THERE. Run for Mayor or Council yourself, or support someone who gets it and can be educated. That's what Persistence is. Right now you're a victim of it.
My personal fear is that the Globalist Controllers will discover that they don't have to consider public opinion anymore and can just go ahead and shut down everything. Sort of like they just did.