Let's think about this together.
What Benjamin Franklin meant when he was asked what kind of a government the new country would have and he answered "A republic, if you can keep it" was that it was a lot of work to stay free and in control of that freedom. A republic, unlike a dictatorship, requires the people themselves to continually work to protect their individual rights. It's pretty easy to live in a dictatorship or a monarchy because your rights are limited and you don't have a voice or an opportunity to influence your choices. Easy, right? Shut up, do what we tell you to do, and go along...or else.
What's the downside of a republic? You have to participate, you have to pay attention, and you have to keep your eye on the ball. What a hassle! Especially because there are always those opportunists who will take advantage of you if you're not paying attention. Representative government is basically designed so that you hire some people to represent you because you're busy with your life. Those people are only in office for a few years so that you can review what they're doing and kick them out if they're taking advantage, corrupt, or just plain stupid. Basic, right? What's the problem? You have to pay attention. The layers get thicker, more obscure, more corrupted, and more complex. The agreements are thousands of pages and seem to require a lifetime of focus to discern their meaning.
So we let it go. We lost it. Yeah, we did.
Is it too late to pull it together?
We can see chaos in our streets, the collapse of culture, of pride in what we can be, and serious chasms between factions. If this were natural it would be bad enough, but people are being paid to agitate. Local elected representatives have taken off their masks and revealed what we should have seen all along: insurrection is taught in the schools by paid revolutionaries and supported by our officials.
I've seen some videos lately of people being arrested for not wearing masks at events where they are at a safe distance from others. In other words no need for a mask. But in one video I saw a woman shocked by a security officer with a taser. That was outrageous. But what was worse? The crowd did nothing. No one stood up and shouted "This is wrong. Let her go." No one went and surrounded her and took her back from the cop, as did a crowd in Spain a few weeks ago. No, people sat paralyzed and did nothing.
Now, my friends, is the time to close your eyes, sit quietly, and imagine yourself in that same situation. What will you do? You must prepare yourself because it will happen. What are you going to do? Think it through. Because your 'freedom muscle' is weak and slow and out of practice. Run this through your mind with as many scenarios as you can and prepare so that when your moment comes you don't blow it.
Regret will live long in you if you fail. Think: What does it mean to be the Resistance? Are you worthy of a Republic or are you a subject in a dictatorship? Decide now.