A few days ago I was surfing the web and found a site that brought together many of our concerns, focused on women, and is attempting to be an allegiance of all political viewpoints. I emailed Betty Jean Kling, and here is her response:
Thank You for finding me- - you have found an ally! Let me explain upfront why I am interested and why I may be of help to you as well.
TMU also transcends party lines. We started over women’s rights because if we can get the majority to rise and come together we have a chance along with common sense patriot men to create a movement.
Your ‘about us’ page tells me you folks fit with us!
We too started out all registered Democrats fighting for Hillary and ended up right where you are learning first from what happened during the primaries right up to finding out about Agenda21. I lost a lot of Dems along the way when I picked up some Conservatives who wanted us to read the Constitution, Fed papers and Bill of Rights!
The only help I have found in a long while has been from Independents and Conservatives the Dems won’t budge an inch if there is a conservative in sight.
I am pro gay marriage, pro freedom of choice (personally pro-life) which means I believe it is my right and every woman’s right to make her own choice either way. I would not change the current law. I would like to see better contraception for both male/female.
I am firmly against organized religion and do not believe the word Conservative mean religion. Conservative politics is about getting back to what this country was founded on as your pages say. Religious issues for example marriage and Birth control should never be part of civil law any more than we would allow Sharia Laws to come into our country.
Mostly I would like to see us not divided by these religious issues because we have much bigger problems here. We need to figure out how to get people to stop using the labels liberal and conservative – Dem and Rep- I have coined a new name: RIDs Republican, Independent, Democrats.
Can we work together? Unless we get the RIDs to work together and read these papers and rise – we are all doomed.
You are the first Democrats I have seen so far talking like this except for my group, I would be ever so grateful if we could pool resources.
BettyJean Kling M.S, M. Ed
Founder: The Majority United
BTR. The Majority United Radio
Mon 10 pm & Wed 9:30 pm Eastern
Call-in Number: ( 347 ) 838-8011
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