Don't Democrats want to be able to speak freely and criticize their government?
Don't Democrats own private property?
Don't Democrats want to choose where they live?
Don't Democrats want privacy and personal liberty?
What the heck is wrong with my fellow liberals? Have they been brainwashed by Mother Jones?
Hey, do you think war is sustainable? Munitions production sustainable?
Don't you see that Sustainable Development is a corporate greenwash for Green Energy Loans (they anticipate $5 TRILLION), Chinese Solar panels, heavy diesel trains, bond brokers making a killing, inner city developers building VERTICAL SPRAWL...
Where is the left on these issues? Pretending they don't exist? Why would you deny the existence of UN Agenda 21 when it is obviously real? Do you think that 'Sustainable Development' just spontaneously created itself? Do you think it's a good idea to 'balance the rights of the individual against the rights of the community?' Do you? Only if you run the community, right? Who says you will?
Come on, where are our fellow feminist, pro-choice, anti-war, pro-gay marriage, liberals? There is absolutely no reason to make this a left/right, Democrat/Republican issue. Why would you let that smokescreen dim your sight?