What does this say about us? I think it says that we are living in fear, shame, anger, and passivity. This confusion is a trademark of #UNAgenda21.
For decades we have been demoralized about decisions made by our government, seemingly without our assent, that subject us and those of other nations to political violence. We have discovered that we've been lied to; whether during the Vietnam war, or the color revolutions, or the Iraq war, or the drug running or gun running or organized crime abetting or systemic domestic spying or private land confiscating or tobacco industry poisoning or chemical industry polluting...where does it stop? It doesn't.
Our elected 'leaders' have served those who pay the most, and that's not you and me. Our economy is a plaything that rises and falls like a lead curtain sending us into despair and sudden loss in a hidden plan. We appeal to our churches, our schools, our elected representatives, our neighbors, and find that all are members of organizations that are committed to a globalist plan. A plan that will destroy us.
Why? Who can we blame? Whose statute can we deface? Which building can we burn? This kind of a question points to the most serious issue: our unwillingness to demand accountability of the people we elect to represent us, of our teachers, of our religious leaders, of our local civil servants, of our media, and of ourselves.
It's not just our 'unwillingness' is it? It's deeper than that. We've become soft and passive. We're easily bored and self-indulgent. We're conditioned to passivity by our devices and by our city lifestyles. Everything has become easy and we expect it to continue that way but we're wrong if we think life will improve.
We're all looking for someone to blame. We've got some shameful things in our past. We're doing some shameful things right now. Somehow there's an attitude that has invaded our world that says that someone else is going to save us. We're being manipulated but it's with our own consent. The right/left fight has been pushed to such an extreme that we just can't hear each other anymore. We're at a dangerous point in our history. There are two things that we need to do:
- Admit that we've been lazy and it's our fault.
- Be vocal, be visible, step up and PERSEVERE.
Anyone who has ever played a sport, learned an instrument, achieved excellence in a skill or a profession knows that you have to practice. You have to persist. You've absolutely got to show up and participate, and keep participating. You have to be brave and take the blows. This is not an easy fight. Those who want to destroy human liberty are well entrenched in every aspect of your life, now. Now it's up to you to be there, to show up, to be a leader. Raise your voice at a local meeting, at your dinner table, at your place of worship, at your office, in your Covid line, with your doctor; everywhere you are you need to speak up.
Not everyone lives out in Montana where they might have neighbors who agree with them when they talk about protecting private property rights or fighting extreme environmental restrictions. But you can expect that most people in your big city will probably agree that using biometric collection methods on school children is wrong. Or that corporate partnership with government is dangerous. Use those moments of agreement to open a dialogue. Know what you're talking about and stick with it. Use flyers. Attend government meetings and anti-Delphi them. Keep showing up. Post flyers on phone poles. Put a poster in your car window. Make your liberty your passion.
Be Visible. Be Vocal. Be The Resistance.