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Hi Rosa, After reading your book and viewing your speach on You Tube, I have purchased a second copy to hand deliver to Mayor Elect of Cincinnati, Ohio, John Cranley. He ran on a Stop the Streetcar platform. Thanks to you, what always to me looked like bad economic decisions now looks like something else. They put those plant islands in the middle of Gibert Avenue all the way down a 45 degree incline. That impairs the use of a heavily traveled main corridor in Cincinnati, which is a slip and slide during winter storms. I live at the bottom of an incline, cars wreck at certain points every year. Picture San Franciso streets with ice on them. On top of the trafic hazard, they put them in locations where if you are travelling south on Gilbert, it is now impossible to make a left turn into the driveways of the row houses and businesses on one side of the street all the way down. If houses in that area were hard to sell before, who would buy them now? I don't own a car, and live in an apartment complex on a main bus line. Obviously, I support mass transit. But buses can be continually rerouted as needed and are more flexible, and are cheaper than some of the stuff being proposed. Someone on the Atlanta transit board once told me that nationwide, they carry the most passengers - but like Rodney Dangerfield, get no respect for what they do.
Thanks to Rosa's book and youtube videos we had the ammunition and education to change the course of our county comprehensive plan. The Mille Lacs TEA Party Patriots ( and other citizens have a win in our County Comprehensive plan! We worked for over 2 years to get this statement in our county's comp. plan. We borrowed some of the language from the Lewis County, Wa. plan and our commissioners added more to include the references to the US and Minnesota state constitutions. Here is the statement in the first page of the purpose of the comp. plan. "Mille Lacs County will advocate the rights of property ownership, recognizing the primacy of property rights and the sanctity of private property ownership as enunciated in the Fifth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Sections 7 and 13 of the Minnesota Constitution. Mille Lacs County will uphold the rights of private property ownership. The right to obtain private property and enjoy its uses is priority one in Mille Lacs County. Along with this right is the responsibility to ensure that the individual activities of one property owner do not adversely affect another property owner’s rights". Spread the word!
In Australia, Agenda 21 is being implemented by the 'International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives', Global and ICLEI Oceania {Australia and NZ}, since renamed ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability, Mikhail Gorbachev's Green Cross International and Green Cross Australia which was founded in 2008 and is located in Brisbane. Since 1992 Environment Australia's Intergovernmental Unit and ANZECC Secretariat, has implemented Agenda 21 using the Australian Local Government Association, state and territory local government associations, Council of Australian Governments {COAG}and the National Competition Policy {NCP}and Council. LA21 the local government Application of Agenda 21 has been widely adopted by councils throughout Australia who therefore now act as agents of the UN actively implementing Agenda 21 policy in Australia at the local community level without the community's knowledge. The Australian media refuses to inform the public on ICLEI and Agenda 21 activities
I cannot thank you enough for the flyers! We handed out "What is wrong with Sustainable Development" last Saturday afternoon after the Town of Normal, Illinois received an award from the Illinois Sierra Club for all of the green initiatives that the town has done. Normal, Illinois is very progressive; while not officially a member of ICLEI, we might as well be as our Mayor Chris Koos has spoken at ICLEI meetings. Our mayor wants Normal,Illinois to be the sustainability model for the state and the nation. We have a wide assortment of "green" here-gently pushing electric cars (may be a dozen being used here), an east side bypass to finish encircling the city, more security cameras being placed, talk of Gateways being erected, several mixed use buildings in place and more to come, pushing for community gardens, a push to reconfigure part of Main Street to include a bike path, etc. David Hales, the City Manager of Bloomington and Mayor Chris Koos have been very busy!!!!!!!
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